Joanne Foreman inquest: Adrian Gayton 'not involved' in death

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The partner of a woman found dead at home played no role in her death, a coroner has ruled at a second inquest.

Coroner David Morris said the cause of death of Joanne Foreman, 41, who was discovered in Horsford, Norfolk, in March 2011, could not be ascertained.

At the hearing in Norwich, Mr Morris reached an open conclusion and said Ms Foreman's partner Adrian Gayton was not involved in any way in her death.

Ms Foreman's stepfather had campaigned for the second inquest.

'Unexpected and traumatic'

Ms Foreman, a shop worker, was discovered by Mr Gayton after the pair had spent an evening at the pub, when she drank half a bottle of gin.

The coroner said the couple had a "volatile" relationship but he was "satisfied that Joanne's death was not caused by or contributed to by Adrian Gayton".

He said: "Anyone listening to the recorded conversation between Adrian Gayton and ambulance control cannot fail to to accept that his discovery of Joanne apparently dead was unexpected, traumatic and earth-shattering,"

Mr Morris concluded that Ms Foreman's death was probably "a natural event" and said his open conclusion was "not a 'cop-out' but a reflection that I do not all have all the answers and I can go no further than I have done".

The original inquest could not confirm how Ms Foreman died, but its coroner said there was a "real possibility" insulin could have been taken with alcohol because, even though she was not diabetic, the drug was found in the house on St Helena Way.

'Incomplete and inaccurate'

The second inquest heard medical evidence suggesting her blood sugar levels were normal.

Mr Morris said he was also satisfied that alcohol "played no part" in Ms Foreman's death.

Mr Brown took his case to the High Court earlier this year, claiming Norfolk Police's investigation into his stepdaughter's death was "inadequate".

The High Court ordered coroner William Armstrong's narrative inquest verdict should be quashed because the evidence presented was "incomplete and inaccurate".

Det Ch Insp Neil Luckett from Suffolk Police, who examined the Norfolk Police investigation, said the review had not established a cause of death, but had found no evidence of premeditation.

Mr Brown was not in court to hear the conclusion of the second inquest.