Study reveals Dumfries and Galloway library visit decline

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A study of council-run facilities in Dumfries and Galloway Council shows one of the most marked declines in library visits of any Scots local authority.

The report is aimed at informing the budget-setting process in the region.

It shows attendance at local libraries has dropped by 11.5% since 2009.

Of comparable local areas, only the Scottish Borders has a worse rate of decline. An improvement programme has been put in place in a bid to try to address the trend.

Museums fare much better and are ranked first for both costs and attendance rates when compared with similar local authorities.

The study also shows that operational cost per attendance for leisure facilities in the region is £3.15 compared with a Scottish average of £3.50.

However, the amount of income generated by leisure is between 30% and 45% less than in other parts of the country.

The data is to be examined in more detail in an effort to develop an improvement plan.