Mexico: Camel Attack Kills American

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A Chicago man who owned a wildlife park in the resort of Tulum has died after being kicked, bitten and sat on by a camel, and the authorities have seized the private park’s animals — including monkeys, llamas and a wild boar — pending an investigation. A statement posted by the sanctuary on its Facebook page said Richard Mileski, the owner, was 60. Rescuers had to use a rope tied to a pickup to pull the enraged camel off his body, according to a Tulum Civil Defense official, Alberto Canto. “The camel kicked and bit him practically to death, and when he was almost dead, he sat on him,” Mr. Canto said. While it was unclear why the camel attacked Mr. Mileski, Mr. Canto said, “One version is that he would always give him a Coca-Cola to drink, and apparently, that day he didn’t.”