Parents of British jihadi killed fighting for Isis in Syria are bailed

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The parents of a British man who was killed while fighting in Syria with Islamic State (Isis) have been released on bail after their arrest on suspicion of Syria-related terrorism offences.

Enu Miah, 57, from Portsmouth, was detained on Tuesday on suspicion of failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism, engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts and arranging availability of money and property for use in terrorism.

Hena Choudhury, 48, also from Portsmouth, was detained on suspicion of failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism. Four other people, including two brothers of the dead man, Tuhim, 26, and Mustakim, 23, remain in custody, Thames Valley police said. The other two are women, aged 23 and 29, from Farnborough in Hampshire and Greenwich, south-east London, respectively.

Police have been standing guard outside a terrace house in Hudson Road, Portsmouth, which was targeted as part of the terror raids. The door window was smashed and police tape surrounded the property. The house was previously raided by police in April.

The arrest of the Jaman family members followed the death of Ifthekar Jaman, who was killed fighting with Islamic State in December last year. He encouraged others to follow him and take up arms against the Syrian regime and was killed shortly after he had given an interview to BBC Newsnight.

Jaman was the first of a group of young men from Portsmouth to travel to Syria last year. One of the men, Mushudur Choudhury, returned and was convicted of a terror offence earlier this year. Another has been killed in Syria. Sources said since the men left for Syria, two or three others from the city may have travelled to join them.

Jaman’s parents are believed to be originally from Bangladesh and own a takeaway restaurant in Portsmouth. Their arrests were part of an operation by the south-east counter-terrorism unit.

There have been 14 arrests under counter-terrorism powers in the last week. Three men were detained by counter-terrorism police in central London on Monday and five men were detained last week by detectives investigating a potential plot to attack Britain.

Two of those arrested, Rawan Kheder, 20 and Gusai Abuzeid, 21, were released without charge on Monday night. Police have been granted warrants of further detention for the three other men detained last week until 21 October.

The bulk of the work of counter-terrorism investigators at present is the apparent threat posed by Isis, the militant group that has taken over large tracts of Syrian and Iraqi territory.

Police urged people from local communities with any concerns or information to contact them on 101 or the anti-terrorist hotline 0800 789 321.