Bishop of Gloucester will face no police action over sexual offences claims

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A senior Church of England bishop will face no further police action over allegations of historical sexual offences against a girl and a woman, it has been revealed.

Michael Perham, the bishop of Gloucester, was interviewed under caution by detectives from the Metropolitan police’s sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command.

But Scotland Yard has told Perham that he will face no further action. The Church of England is continuing to assess whether there are any “ongoing safeguarding issues”.

Perham, who is due to retire on his 67th birthday next month, said: “It was right that the allegations should be fully investigated and I am grateful that the police have completed the investigation and concluded there are no grounds for further action to be taken. My family and I are very grateful for all the support and affirmation we have received at this time.”

The bishop “stepped back” from his duties in the summer after the allegations of indecent assault dating back more than 30 years surfaced.

He said he hoped the church’s process would be concluded in time for him to return to his post and complete his ministry before his retirement.

The bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, who is lead bishop on safeguarding for the Church of England, said: “We can confirm that we have been notified by the Metropolitan police that following enquiries they are to take no further action regarding the allegations.

“The Church of England takes any allegations of abuse very seriously and is committed to being a safe place for all.

“As in any case where allegations of this nature are made any police investigation is followed by a rigorous process to assess whether there are any ongoing safeguarding issues. We would ask for continuing prayers for all of those affected by these events and those involved in ongoing processes.”