Arrests in Spain child porn raids

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Sixty-three people have been arrested in Spain on suspicion of involvement with child pornography, following raids across the country, officials say.

Police said large amounts of computer-based "paedophile material" had been seized as the raids were executed over more than 10 days.

They were the culmination of a two-year investigation focused on internet users in Spain using foreign websites.

The operation was carried out with help from US, German and New Zealand police.

Those arrested included four Russians detained in the seaside resorts of Lloret de Mar and Benidorm, suspected of making about 200,000 euros (£140,000) from selling access to pictures.

Those arrests gave investigators information which led police to arrest 59 other people. They were said to include production and distribution ringleaders and individual clients.

It is the second major police operation of its type in Spain this year, after 66 people were arrested on charges of child pornography in July.