Life term for screwdriver killers

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Two men who mistakenly murdered a father-of-two in his own home have been jailed for life.

William Good, 24, and Mark McGhee, 21, from Blantyre, were ordered to serve 17 years before being eligible for parole.

The High Court in Glasgow heard they broke into 35-year-old Scott Byers' home in Blantyre in June, looking for a friend who was staying with him.

The pair, who carried out the frenzied attack using a screwdriver and bottle, pierced Mr Byers' brain.

During the trial, Good and McGhee denied murder and each claimed that the other had done it.

The court heard the pair intended to attack Mr Byres' friend because they believed he had stolen money from Good's sister's purse.

The most disturbing evidence was of the horrific noises coming from Mr Byers' home - screams, smashing and astonishingly laughter Judge Rita Rae QC

The man they were targeting managed to hide and Good and McGhee, who were high on drink and drugs, launched an attack on Mr Byers, slashing his neck, jumping on his body and repeatedly hitting him with a bottle, causing 60 injuries.

The fatal blow struck by McGhee was a stab wound above the eye with a screwdriver.

A neighbour who was wakened by Mr Byres' screams described it as being like part of the soundtrack from the cult movie Pulp Fiction.

Judge Rita Rae QC said: "This was a savage, brutal and senseless attack on a vulnerable man who was asleep when you broke in.

READ THE SENTENCING STATEMENT <a class="" href="">HMA v Good and McGhee [61KB]</a> Most computers will open this document automatically, but you may need Adobe Reader <a href="">Download the reader here</a>

"The intended victim hid himself. Mr Byers suffered horrific injuries.

"The most disturbing evidence was of the horrific noises coming from Mr Byers' home - screams, smashing and astonishingly laughter."

She said neither man had shown much remorse, adding that during his police interview Good blamed his victim for not revealing who he was and McGhee had boasted about what he did.

She added: "There is no excuse for such brutal behaviour.

"You are both equally responsible for Mr Byers' death."

Good and McGhee were unanimously convicted of breaking into Mr Byers' home and murdering him.

They were also unanimously found guilty of attempting to defeat the ends of justice by disposing of the screwdriver on the roof of a lock-up garage.

Vinit Khurana, prosecuting, described the murder as a "brutal, savage and senseless killing."

He added: "Scott Byers was a harmless father-of-two.

"His only mistake was to allow his friend to stay with him."