Councils 'want say on NHS chiefs'

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Council leaders should be given the power to sack under-performing health and police chiefs, the head of the Local Government Association is to say.

In a speech Sir Simon Milton will say chief constables and NHS Trust bosses should be answerable to people through local councils in England and Wales.

He will say: "We cannot serve in the interests of local people, if we cannot get rid of someone who does a bad job."

And he backs a national police force to tackle terrorism and organised crime.

Sir Simon, The LGA chairman, who is also the leader of Tory-controlled Westminster, will tell council leaders and chief executives : "When people in my area are demanding a change in the way their area is policed, or are asking why hospital infections are going up, then I want the ability to put the concerns of people first."

He will say a national police force should be created to handle issues like terrorism, while local policing should be more answerable to local voters.

And while national health standards are necessary - directors of clinics, surgeries and hospitals in each area should be accountable to residents through their council.