DJ Kershaw warned he faces jail

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DJ Andy Kershaw has been warned he could face jail after pleading guilty to breaking a restraining order involving his ex-partner.

The 48-year-old admitted the offence at the High Bailiff's Court in Douglas in the Isle of Man.

The court heard the breach of the order, which bans him from seeing Juliette Banner, took place in Peel on the island last month.

The case was adjourned for psychiatric and social inquiry reports.

Kershaw, of Shore Road, Peel, also admitted making use of the telecommunications system between 5 and 7 November, "causing needless anxiety to others".

The court heard the DJ sent text messages "of an abusing nature" aimed at Miss Banner and her new boyfriend, to his children Sonny, 10, and Dolly, eight.

'Menacing and provocative'

He admitted being drunk and disorderly outside Peel police station on 7 November.

High Bailiff Michael Moyle said: "Prison is a real possibility. When we meet on January 15 it might be advisable to have your bags packed."

He continued: "If you wish not to have any further dealings with your children, carry on in the way you're doing."

He also warned the BBC Radio 3 DJ that if he breaches his bail conditions, he "will be spending Christmas behind bars".

Insp Michael Musson, prosecuting, told the court that Miss Banner said Kershaw's behaviour was "menacing and provocative" when he approached her and her new partner, Glaswegian prison officer Jim Imrie, as they went for a coffee after a walk up Peel Hill on 2 November.

The DJ was described as "hyper" by an onlooker, who said he walked up to the couple and glared at them, before circling them and walking "in front of them backwards", Mr Musson said.

Kershaw, who was born in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, spent a week in prison before a court hearing last week for breaching his bail conditions by breaking a curfew from 1930 to 0730 GMT.

He was given a three-month suspended jail term in October after admitting harassing Miss Banner.