Video: Truth and half-truths in the campaigns for and against Scottish independence

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On Sept. 18, Scottish voters will be asked "Should Scotland be an independent country?" If the "Yes" vote wins it, Scotland will divorce itself from the United Kingdom, and the consequences could be big for both countries.

While the referendum was agreed upon back in October 2012, the campaign only began to heat up this year as polls showed a slow and steady increase for the "Yes" vote, once thought an unlikely scenario. This week, panic set in among unionists when some polls showed a small win for the "Yes" vote.

To the outside world, the news that Britain could be about to break up may have come as a surprise. But inside the U.K., Scottish independence has been fiercely debated for months, with dozens of reasons thrown back and forth for why Scotland should or shouldn't go it alone.

In Britain, much of the recent discussion is now focused on whether the "No" campaign – titled "Better Together" – has failed. Given that both the "Yes" and "No" campaigns ran extensive advertisement campaigns on television, The Post's Truth Teller team decided to take a closer look:


You can see the full campaign ads below.

Yes Scotland


Better Together