Labour U-turn on renewable energy

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All UK homes could be powered by off-shore windfarms by 2020, according to an exclusive in one of the Sunday papers.

The Independent on Sunday says Britain is about to undergo a wind-power revolution after what it calls an 'astonishing' u-turn by the government.

It says the Business Secretary, John Hutton, will announce on Monday, 10 December, the biggest-ever renewable energy initiative: off-shore wind farms, reports the paper, could provide all UK homes with electricity within 13 years.

Only weeks ago, according to the paper, Mr Hutton was resisting a major expansion of renewable resources, arguing that it would interfere with plans to build new nuclear power stations.

Pay anger

The Sunday Times reports that thousands of service personnel are being underpaid because of failures in a new computerised pay system.

Some of those affected, including many fighting on the front line, have gone without full pay for up to five months.

Meanwhile, thousands of police officers are threatening what the Mail on Sunday calls "covert" industrial action over their pay.

At issue is the government's decision not to back-date their 2.5% pay rise to 1 September 2007.

The Mail says it has evidence that some police men and women will refuse to work on their days off and call in sick

The Observer signals what it describes one of the most radical welfare reforms for a generation.

It says that elderly people are to be given money to pay for their own care and have the right to decide how and where they spend the cash.

Pricing scandal

The Sunday Telegraph has found that shoppers are being charged up to double the price for the same goods in different branches of some chain stores. The paper describes it as a 'postcode price lottery'.

Many newspapers carry of coverage of the fascinating unfolding story of John Darwin, the back-from-the-dead canoeist, and his wife Anne.

The News of the World has been inside the neighbouring houses in Seaton Carew, near Hartlepool where the couple used to live.

The Sunday Mirror leads on fresh claims about Anne's role in her husband's faked death.

And there's speculation on the back pages about whether Jose Mourinho will be England's head coach.

The Sunday Express says the Football Association's bid to persuade him to sign up has hit the wall. The Express believes he's in line for the manager's job at Barcelona.