Post-mortem is due on Irish model

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A post-mortem examination is to be carried out on the body of one of Ireland's top models who died in hospital in Navan.

Katy French, 24, was taken ill at a house in Ashbourne, County Meath, in the early hours of Sunday morning.

She is believed to have suffered heart failure and was in a coma at Our Lady's Hospital until she died on Thursday.

Gardai have begun making preliminary inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the death.

Recently, Ms French admitted she had used cocaine, but said she no longer did and warned young people of its dangers.

Detectives investigating her death would not comment on speculation of a drugs link before the results of the post-mortem examination, which is to take place at Our Lady's Hospital on Friday.

A statement from her family said she died in the arms of her sister Jill with her mother and father alongside.

Thanking the hospital staff, they said they were overwhelmed by the messages of support and prayer.

Only a week ago, Katy celebrated her birthday in Dublin, an event which was given extensive tabloid newspaper coverage.

In the space of less than two years, she had become one of Ireland's best-known models and socialites.