China media: India-Japan ties

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Media dismiss speculation that stronger ties between India and Japan pose a threat to China, a day after the two nations' leaders held talks.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a five-day trip to Japan, spoke about his desire to strengthen Delhi's economic and security ties with Tokyo.

Indian papers reported Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gave a "warm reception" to Mr Modi on his first visit to the country as prime minister.

Some analysts see his visit as an attempt by the two democracies to balance the rising weight of China across Asia.

Chinese papers say that the two leaders are "showing off intimacy" as they "dined, fed the fish and toured historical sites" together.

The China Daily highlights "Japanese media frenzy" over the "assumption" that both countries are "working on a plan" to contain China. However, it notes that the Chinese Foreign Ministry has "responded coolly" to such reports.

Most editorial writers and commentators point out that Mr Modi's trip is mainly about economic ties.

They add that Delhi will not hurt its ties with Beijing because it is "cautious" about the powers of a rising China.

Ji Mingkui, an expert on international affairs at National Defence University, says that Mr Modi "deeply understands the importance of co-operating with China".

"India is very careful with its China policy. While it is actively developing ties with Japan, it has never given Tokyo a satisfactory response when it comes to containing China… India has stressed that it will not join the alliance to surround or contain China," he writes in the China Net.

"India understands that economic development is the solution for all problems and to realise the goal of becoming a big nation, it will co-operate with countries including the US and Japan, and it will also strengthen its co-operation with China," says the pundit.

'Crazy fantasy'

The Global Times notes that "the increasing intimacy between Tokyo and Delhi will bring at most psychological comfort to the two countries" and "Sino-Indian ties can in no way be counterbalanced by the Japan-India friendship".

The daily says Chinese President Xi Jinping will be visiting India later this month and that Japan is trying to create a "crazy fantasy" of forming a "united front centred on India" ahead of the trip.

The Chinese edition of the same editorial, however, adds that China should "have the confidence and will-power when it comes to managing Beijing-Delhi ties".

"If Mr Modi's style deviates too much from the Singh administration (previous PM), China will have to exert appropriate pressure on him," the paper suggests.

Meanwhile, papers in China are silent about protests by pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, while urging the territory to "respect" Beijing's ruling on the electoral system.

On Sunday, the Chinese government ruled out open nomination of candidates for the Hong Kong chief executive election in 2017.

The move sparked anger among pro-democracy groups and activists, some of whom disrupted a Beijing official's speech on the ruling.

They accused Beijing of breaking its promise to allow Hong Kong to choose its leader directly.

Making no mention of the disruption, state-run People's Daily says that "all sectors in Hong Kong support and respect Beijing's decision".

A report on the CCTV website states that "only a minority of people are stirring up trouble".

Calling on Hong Kong to "respect" Beijing's ruling, the People's Daily praises the central government for allowing universal suffrage in the territory.

"Hong Kong has taken only 20 years to achieve universal suffrage. It is a very great accomplishment… Without any doubt, the central government is the main body that is pushing for the elections. The central government is the biggest democratic camp!" exclaims the paper.

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