The papers: UK airstrikes plan, and the mass celebrity iCloud hacking

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The government's new anti-terrorism measures - sparked by fears of British jihadis bringing murder to the UK's streets - are fully examined in Tuesday's papers.

The Daily Express says the "tough new laws" - including new powers to seize passports, inspect airline passenger lists and force terror suspects to relocate within the UK - are designed to stop extremists "wreaking havoc".

However, in the Guardian Alan Travis argues that the new measures, designed in the prime minister's words to close "the gaps in our armoury" leaves plenty of gaps.

"The limited extent of the new anti-terrorism package agreed by David Cameron and Nick Clegg is due as much to their fears that British courts will strike down any more draconian measures, as it is to the remaining strength of the coalition's commitment to civil liberties," Travis argues.

The Financial Times outlines some of these potential legal hurdles, quoting several lawyers concerned at Mr Cameron's expressed plan to put a temporary stop to any Britons entering the country if they have been fighting in Syria or Iraq.

"If these proposals are implemented, you might expect countries like Turkey to be concerned about it if Britons are left stranded there," said one.

The Daily Mirror says the PM has done a U-turn over his proposals to stop returning jihadists, and other plans "lacked detail" or had not been "signed off" by the Tories' coalition partners, the Lib Dems.

The Daily Mail says the "curbs on jihadists" were in chaos, and the paper blames Mr Clegg's party for "refusing to fall into line".

A senior source within the Lib Dems tells the paper: "Frankly, we are going to take a lot of convincing before we sign up to any new legislation in this area."

Writing in the Times, Rachel Sylvester accuses Mr Cameron of "playing Westminster games" in his announcements, which "sounded tough without having the detail to back up the rhetoric".

She quotes former director of public prosecutions Lord Macdonald as saying the plan to bar British jihadists from returning home is a "la-la land" idea, never likely to be accepted by the international community.

Sylvester argues that there are already "plenty of laws allowing the government to deal with British extremists who carry out acts of terror abroad.

"If this is a new culture war, it will not be won by taking away basic human rights of British citizens, nor by exaggerating plans that lack credibility."

The Daily Telegraph focuses on remarks from Mr Cameron, indicating he may commit British military power to join the Americans in airstrikes on Islamic State positions in Iraq.

The prime minister said he would be prepared to "act immediately without informing MPs" if "national interests were threatened", the paper adds.

However a poll in the Independent suggests that only 35% of the public would support such an action, with 50% actively opposed.

'Imperious doctors'

There is considerable sympathy for the plight of the family of Ashya King, the British five-year-old taken to Spain against medical advice by his parents, who were trying to fund an alternative treatment for his brain tumour.

The Daily Mirror says the decision to hold Ashya's parents in a Spanish jail for 72-hours - they are facing an arrest warrant issued by Hampshire Police - is "barbaric".

Ashya's grandmother Patricia King tells the paper: "The whole thing is a huge injustice. They [Ashya's parents] are not allowed to see Ashya, which is shocking.

"It's the worst thing of all. If this carries on, it could kill him."

In the Daily Mail, Ian Birrell says the Kings have been treated in a "heartless and humiliating way for the 'crime' of loving their child".

Birrell accounts his own battles with medical authorities over the care of his disabled daughter.

"Too many imperious doctors still don't treat patients with sufficient respect," he says.

"In these profound cases, parents often have by far the best grip on their children's needs - better, dare I say, than many time-pressured medical staff."

The Mail's opinion column says the case is the story of an "anguished family" being treated in a "clumsy way".

"Was it really necessary for Hampshire Police to procure a European Arrest Warrant, accompanied by dramatic warnings that the child was in acute and immediate danger - while refusing to admit any mistake when it emerged he was being well cared for?" it asks.

The Sun quotes a doctor at the Czech facility where the Kings were hoping to take Ashya.

Dr Jiri Kubes tells the paper he would "love to help" the family and could do so within a week, but "there must be co-operation between our centre and the paediatric specialists in the UK."

In an article in the Daily Telegraph, Dr Max Pemberton argues that Ashya's best treatment plan was to stay in the hospital in Southampton which had been caring for him.

"Numbed by grief, Ashya's parents are not necessarily acting in his best interests, regardless of how it feels to them at this moment," he adds.

'Big bad England'

As we get nearer to the 18 September Scottish referendum date, so a flurry of stories on the issue becomes a Fleet Street avalanche.

The Times leads with a poll it commissioned which suggests the No campaign now commands only 53% of Scottish voters, with 47% backing independence.

The paper says this suggests that support for the Yes campaign has risen by eight percentage points in a month.

The Times says the SNP has made a "concerted effort" to woo left-of-centre voters "with pledges to greater public spending in Scotland" and an "opportunity to end Conservative governments".

These efforts seem to be succeeding, the paper continues, as support for a Yes vote among Labour voters in the country has risen from 18% to 30%.

In its opinion column, the Times says many preparing to vote for independence "do not believe themselves nationalists, but like the idea of living in a more left-wing country".

But the paper says with the SNP united by nationalism, but little else "it is not clear what a post-independence Scottish political system might look like.

"A Yes victory could entail a future with less government money, not more," it adds.

The Financial Times says it is also not clear what a post-independence "rest of the UK" would be like.

The paper says that the British government still has "no contingency plans" on what to do if the Scots vote yes in three weeks' time.

In an article in the FT, John McDermott says many pro-independence Scots "do not worry about big bad England - Little England is now the problem" as they see the two countries drifting apart in fundamental political outlooks.

However, McDermott argues that most Scots have consistently identified themselves as "British", hold similar attitudes on most issues to their southern neighbours and would like to keep British institutions, such as the Queen, BBC and pound.

Pollster Peter Kellner, writing in the Sun, which co-commissioned the poll quoted in the Times, says the independence surge in Scotland is driven by fear: fear of remaining in the UK.


There is a lot of news ink devoted in Tuesday's press to the alleged hacking of the phone accounts of a number of celebrities, and the sharing on social media sites of often explicit pictures and videos found on them.

The Sun, which devotes three pages to the story, lists the 100 female celebrities and one actor who have allegedly had files accessed by the as-yet unidentified hacker.

Names include film star Jennifer Lawrence, model Kate Upton and Downton Abbey star Jessica Brown Findlay.

Many of the outraged stars have admitted the stolen material is genuine, but others say pictures supposed to be of them are fakes.

The Sun says the finger of suspicion has been pointed at Apple's iCloud service, which allows users to store data on remote servers.

"Some experts have suggested a security weakness in Apple's 'Find My iPhone' feature could have let in the hackers," the paper notes.

However it adds that not all the celebrities were Apple customers "suggesting other storage systems had been hacked".

The Times reports the outrage expressed by the stars whose privacy has been invaded.

The paper notes that Twitter has been taking down the accounts of users found to be sharing the stolen images, but one lawyer notes "once these images are disseminated on the internet there is no getting them back".

Charles Arthur, writing in the Guardian, says a "password scam" is a far more likely source of the stolen images than any iCloud weakness.

He quotes a security expert who says the celebrities may have been hacked by someone "who was handling their social media accounts or emails".

Arthur also suggests someone who set up the celebrities' systems could have instructed their computers to secretly pass their data on.

He notes, this was the method "Hollywood Hacker" Christopher Chaney - currently serving 10 years for stealing candid pictures of Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis - used.

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