Paisley Jr 'lobbied for land bid'

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It has emerged Ian Paisley Junior has lobbied an executive colleague over a multi-million pound land deal.

Among others, the deal involved the developer Seymour Sweeney.

Mr Paisley's relationship with Mr Sweeney has been in the spotlight following the developer's bid to build a Giant's Causeway's visitor centre.

The deal concerns nearly 100 acres of land at Ballee near Ballymena, taken over by the government in 1970 but never developed.

Four years ago some of the original owners objected when the Department of Social Development decided to put the land up for auction.

They wanted first refusal on the sale and got the backing of businessmen who included Seymour Sweeney.

Ian Paisley Junior said he became involved when two of the nine families who used to own the land approached him.

Ian Paisley Junior made contact with both the direct rule minister David Hanson and his successor Margaret Ritchie about the deal.

With the department increasing its estimate of the land's worth from £9m to £50m, Ian Paisley Junior urged officials to hurry up and agree a price.

At one point, after the department had suggested a £75m figure, he wrote to Ms Ritchie accusing it of presenting "extortionate" valuations and "taking his constituents for a ride".

He said there was nothing wrong in meeting or writing to Ms Ritchie as it was clear he was doing so as an MLA rather than as a junior minister.

He said he was acting in the public interest and trying to help his constituents.

Faced with the risk of losing a court case brought by some of the families and backed by the developers, the department agreed to sell for £50m.

It is understood the deal is due to be finalised shortly.

Neither the department nor Mr Sweeney were commenting on Thursday.

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