The three housing problems that most affect your health Version 0 of 1. It is tempting to assume the social problems we face today would be unrecognisable to Sir William Beveridge when he listed society's five giant evils in 1942. Given the improvements in life expectancy and public health since the second world war, the language of squalor – one of Beveridge's giant evils – in the Beveridge report seems more fitting for Dickensian slums or industrialising towns of previous generations than to Britain today. In fact, the persistent impact of poor housing and homelessness on health highlights the central role the home needs to play in improving health, and reducing inequality. The links between tackling our housing crisis and the nation's health are growing. The BRE estimates that avoidable disease and injuries caused by poor housing costs the NHS at least £600m a year. A safe, settled, home is the cornerstone on which individuals and families build a better quality of life, access the services they need and gain greater independence. In contrast, homelessness and poor housing multiply inequalities and have a long-term impact on physical and mental health. The health effects of poor housing disproportionately affect vulnerable people: older people living isolated lives, the young, those without a support network and adults with disabilities. Cold Poor energy efficiency in existing homes and rapidly rising fuel costs make it unaffordable for low income households to adequately heat their homes. Even after significant improvement to the energy performance of the UK's housing stock, there were 4.5m households in the UK in fuel poverty in 2011. A cold home is bad for your health and increases the risks of cardiovascular, respiratory and rheumatoid diseases as well as the worsening mental health. Cold homes are a significant contributor to the level of excess winter deaths in the UK every year. In 2009-10, there were an estimated 25,400 excess winter deaths, over 21% are attributable to the coldest quarter of homes. Overcrowding Overcrowding is one of the many tangible impacts of the housing crisis on households across the country. Data from the Office for National Statistics shows that homes with six residents are the fastest growing category of household and 3 million people in the UK now live in a home with at least five other individuals. The 1 million children living in overcrowded homes are up to 10 times more likely to contract meningitis and three times more likely to have respiratory problems. Over a lifetime, overcrowded homes have been linked with slow growth in children which correlates with an increased risk of heart disease as an adult. Damp Damp and mould have been linked to respiratory problems, allergies and asthma. Research found people with asthma were twice as likely to live in homes with damp as those without. There were nearly 1m homes in the UK with damp problems in 2012 according to the English housing survey. Damp problems were most common in privately rented homes, where 9% of private rented houses had damp, compared with 5% of social housing properties. Owner-occupied homes were the least likely to have damp. But it's important to remember the research linking housing and health focuses where the evidence is strongest: the physical condition of the home. This is only part of the picture. It misses the full potential of the home as a place to access and bring together the blend of support needed for healthy lives. In the debate about integrating housing, health and social care, we need to recognise the role of housing associations in reaching groups facing some of the biggest health inequalities and providing preventive support services through the home to help people maximise their independence and reduce demand on traditional health and care services. This article is part of the Beveridge Revisited series from Guardian Society Professionals, revisiting Sir William Beveridge's five great social evils for the 21st century. Click here to find out what the evils are and read more from the Beveridge Revisited series. Read more: • Beveridge revisited: where now for the welfare state?• Tackling squalor in Britain: five to follow on Twitter• Homelessness is a public health crisis |