Let's end pink-ification: must the 'girls' aisle be full of sexist toys and clothes?


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When I think of my least favorite places on earth, the pink aisle at the toy store ranks up there with the DMV and dentist. The sparkles, the tulle, the inexplicably scantily clad dolls – it’s enough to make this mom of a little girl run screaming. That’s why I was so pleased to see how one New Jersey mom took on the never-ending pinkification of little girls.

When Lisa Ryder noticed that Land’s End only carried a science-based shirt for boys – the shirts for girls were all rhinestones and princesses, not stars and planets – she wrote a scathing letter to the clothing retailer on behalf of her daughter who “hopes to be an astronaut one day.”

My daughter is mighty and she loves science. And until you recognize that it’s not only boys that can fit that description, I’m afraid our family will no longer be shopping in your stores.

Hell hath no fury like a feminist mother scorned! Admirably, if a little late (but still in time for back-to-school shopping), Land’s End responded by launching new space-themed shirts for girls. This comes the same week that Lego released three new women scientist figurines (the 82-year-old toy company had its very first just last year).

This is a time with a global focus on getting more girls and women interested in the fields of science, technology, math and engineering. But the clothing and toy aisles are still filled with sexist crap. So moms like me hope that moves like those by Lego and Land’s End are the beginning of a much-needed change.

Because there truly is a particular hell to navigating playthings for girls. Take the neverending stream of toys pushing domesticity: there’s nothing wrong in theory with something like a play kitchen – my daughter has one, and we love to cook as a family – but commercials make clear they’re selling gender roles as much as they are toys. For example, here’s the TV ad for the “Rose Petal Cottage”:

Really? “Taking care of my home is a dream, dream, dream”? Tellingly, the only two “rooms” in the Rose Petal Cottage are the kitchen and the nursery.

And truly, why in the world would you get a child a toy ironing board? Playing is about enjoyment, not drudgery.

Even when toymakers try to take a more positive turn for girls, the results often end up falling flat. When Mattel launched “President Barbie”, for example, the company described her as such: “This inspiring and stylish Barbie doll wears a smart suit in her signature pink, of course! She accessorizes with a sophisticated pearl necklace and earrings and proudly sports a B Party campaign button, representing girls nationwide.” Pearls and a pink suit – that’s quite a campaign platform!

And as any mom to a pre-teen can tell you, the mass-market options available to girls only get more disturbing with age. It wasn’t so long ago that Delia’s was carrying a shirt that read, “I’m Tight Like Spandex”. Yikes.

Don’t get me wrong: I get that little girls grow up, and I’m not against everything pink. I don’t want my daughter to think there’s anything wrong with liking traditionally feminine things, and my daughter does, indeed, love ballet, tiaras and dressing up. But she also loves bugs, magnifying glasses, collecting rocks and riding her scooter way too fast. Those aren’t “boys’” activities, they’re just fun. And there’s no reason toys and clothes can’t promote fun without sparkles or salaciousness.

The truth is that if manufacturers took girls’ varied interests seriously from the get-go, they’d not only be doing the right thing – but the profitable thing, as well. And while we can be angry over the missteps, we’ll be just as grateful for the fixes.

As one mom commented on Land’s End new Nasa shirt for girls: “Thank you on behalf of all the moms out there with daughters who dream of being scientists! My daughter will rock these shirts and I will be helping her be true to who she is.”