First world war centenary: we're slow to learn war's lessons, Peter Cosgrove says

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The governor general, Sir Peter Cosgrove, said the fact Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was shot down over a war zone some 100 years after the outbreak of the first world war “is a reminder that we’re slow learners”.

Cosgrove represented Australia at a Commonwealth service at Glasgow Cathedral on Monday to commemorate the centenary of the start of the war.

The Prince of Wales, the British prime minister, David Cameron, and the Scottish first minister, Alex Salmond, also attended the event led by the Rev Laurence Whitley.

Before the hour-long service, Cosgrove reflected that, sadly, conflicts continued after “the war to end all wars” concluded in 1918.

“We’ve got to continue to focus on trying to learn lessons about how we avoid conflict by peaceful means, but it is part of the human condition,” the governor general told reporters in Glasgow.

“We’ve just found again that innocents [on MH17], who were going about something as ordinary as commercial air travel, many of them on holidays, the fact that their lives were lost in such a horrible way, is a reminder that we’re slow learners.”

Some 416,000 Australians enlisted to fight in the first world war. Almost 40% of Australian men under 44 signed up. Overall 330,000 Australians served overseas.

More than 60,000 died during the conflict or as a result of their service.

Cosgrove on Monday said the solemn service in Glasgow recognised the contribution of the millions of Commonwealth citizens who participated in the catastrophic war which “ruined a generation of young Australians”.

“As we remember the war we remember the human cost,” the 67-year-old said.

Australians could feel some pride, the governor-general said, about their role in the war in that it illuminated wonderful human values such as a thirst for equity, a determination not to be oppressed and the courage of individuals.

The former chief of the defence force, who also served in Vietnam, said today’s members of the military were citizens of the highest quality.

“Their backgrounds are ordinary, they are the boy and girl next door, but they always, when they are serving their nation, do so with courage and stoicism and that great Aussie cohesion we like to call mateship.”

During the service Cosgrove read the Soldier’s Prayer of Commitment. He followed Cameron who read a passage from St Mark’s Gospel.

After the cathedral service Cosgrove was to lay a wreath at the cenotaph at nearby George Square.

From Glasgow the Australian governor general will on Tuesday visit the Queen at her country retreat at Balmoral.

Cosgrove will then fly back to Australia to participate in Thursday’s national day of mourning for the victims of MH17.

Those arriving at Monday’s service were handed a commemorative edition of the Flanders Fields Post.

Inside the ancient Glasgow Cathedral a poppy was placed on each seat.