Man admits library porn charges

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A man who used a library's computer to download 182 child porn images has been put on probation for two years.

Brian Francis Davidson, 31, from Divis Street in Belfast, admitted downloading the images at Carrickfergus library.

Belfast Crown Court Judge Patrick Lynch told Davidson since he had served 18 months awaiting his sentence more jail "would not be appropriate".

Library staff became suspicious when he moved from an assigned seat and turned his screen so no-one else could see it.

The court heard that on May 14, 2003 Davidson used one of the computers for almost five hours and that when he left, staff searched through the web browser and uncovered what he had been doing.

In total Davidson had downloaded 182 images - 107 falling within category one, seven in category two and 34 in both categories three and four respectively.

During police interview Davidson told police: "I'll admit it. I will be as straight forward as I can. It's a despicable thing I have done - it's been haunting me ever since."

He later pleaded guilty to 25 specimen counts of making indecent images.

A defence lawyer said there was no suggestion that Davidson had abused the children himself or had distributed the images onto others and added there is a "complete catastrophy in terms of his family's mental health".

Handing down the two year probation term, Judge Lynch told him: "I do not think any words that I express will add to the shame and humiliation that you find yourself in."