Watch the best warning video for the peril of the high dive
Version 0 of 1. When you reach the top, it's probably best not to back out at the last minute. Never has that advice been more evident than in a video taken at a swimming pool in Lava Hot Springs in Idaho. As a young girl walks towards the edge of a 10 metre-high diving board, she gets a last-minute pang of fear and attempts to grab onto the railing and swing herself back onto the board. Instead, she swings down onto the diving board below with her waist hitting the ledge, flipping her over as tumbles into the pool below. An onlooker can be heard screaming in anguish as other divers look on in shock. Fortunately, she emerges from the pool seemingly unscathed. The Lava Hot Springs pool states on its website that all divers must sign a waiver form before using the platforms. |