Scottish women won’t be silenced in the referendum debate
Version 0 of 1. There was the woman who travelled from Tarbert to Tighnabruaich by ferry for a coffee morning in the winter, whose husband then had to come by car – and it’s a long way round – to collect her. There’s the woman who has been a party member for years, turning up faithfully at branch meetings, never daring to speak. Now she’s coordinating activity in her own patch and engaging voters from street stalls. The woman inspired by the death of politician Margo MacDonald to get off her backside and do something? She has set up a group with more than 50 members in only three months. And then there’s the single parent, who has never done anything like this in her life, who attended her first meeting and the next day was out knocking on doors, chatting with undecided voters. This is politics, but far from politics as we’ve known it. Two and a half years ago, Women for Independence began as an inspired idea, given life over a convivial meal among like-minded women. Now, it is a movement, with more than 1,200 members in over 40 groups across Scotland. Formed by women for women, we wanted to ensure women had a voice in the referendum debate. Crucially, we wanted to listen to the ordinary women of Scotland who every day do extraordinary things in holding down jobs, raising families, caring for relatives, contributing to their communities’ wellbeing. Women who had been excluded or, at best, marginalised from traditional politics for far too long. And of course, we wanted to encourage more of them to vote yes to independence. There’s a Women Together adjunct on the no side too, which says it is “a grassroots network of women who are campaigning to keep Scotland as part of the UK”. It is firmly established within the official campaign vehicle and appears to be largely fronted by women already in active political life. While it does not seem to have wings of its own, as Women for Independence does, it is still welcome. If it has encouraged women supporting a no vote to engage in the debate and campaign, then we all have something to build on, across the divide, beyond the referendum. Although the how of achieving better for women – equality, fairness and justice – might separate us, the why and the what are shared currency. Also at issue is control: Women for Independence works because it offers safe space for non-traditional political engagement owned, determined and controlled by women. If Women Together can be encouraged to break out of the corral of official party and trade union lines then, regardless of the outcome of the referendum, we have a legacy upon which to build a stronger political voice for women in Scotland. The brutal reality is that women have had to fight for their place in this debate. To be represented on discussion panels, on television sofas as talking heads, in press coverage, in local public meetings and even as participants in both campaigns’ strategies. Thankfully, both campaigns eventually woke up to what we knew all along: women’s votes and views in this referendum will be crucial. They are just more cautious and canny, thinking it through, biding their time before deciding how to vote. As a result, women have moved to the top of both camps’ agendas, with each side trying to outdo the other with women-friendly narratives and pledges. Yet, attempts have been made to marginalise and silence us. There has been intemperate and extreme comment from both sides on social media and in online commentary. Deploying hackneyed sexist and misogynistic terminology, most of it has been uttered by men, with some even attacking women on their own side. Having enthused and engaged thousands of women to participate in the referendum process, we won’t be fading away. We have staked our claim in Scotland’s public arena. We will be here after Scotland has voted yes or no to ensure all those pledges made in the heat of the debate are not forgotten. And we are determined to ensure the space for women and their voices in Scotland’s political sphere continues to grow. |