How the public views party leaders on the left-right scale

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YouGov has used tracking data compiled over the last 12 years to show how left- or rightwing the public thinks British political parties and their leaders are.

Ed Miliband emerges as the most leftwing leader and under his leadership the Labour party is perceived to have moved further towards the left.

Miliband is rated as more leftwing than his predecessors Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. Blair's figures put him on the rightwing side of the graph.

The figures show David Cameron is viewed as being more centrist than his predecessors, Michael Howard and Iain Duncan Smith.

The 2010 election seems to have marked a watershed moment for the Lib Dems. Former leader Charles Kennedy was viewed as leftwing, and so was Nick Clegg from 2009 to 2010. But after the formation of the Tory-Lib Dem coalition, Clegg moved briefly to the right of the graph, before settling down more or less dead centre.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage is viewed as the most rightwing party leader in the last 12 years, the figures show. He scores 59 points, seven points to the right of former Conservative leader Michael Howard.

Mean scores were based on 100 being “very rightwing” and -100 being “very leftwing”.

YouGov data reveals how the public has viewed party leaders on the left-right scale since 2002