What the Sunday Papers Said


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Independent on Sunday: Fears trade deal will ‘carve’ up health service

Hundreds of people marched on the European Commission offices in London to protest against a free-trade deal being negotiated with the United States that some claim could lead to the privatisation of the NHS. War on Want claimed more than 1,000 people took part  in the protest.

Sunday Times: Peace back on the rack with Experian revolt

Sir John Peace faces a third shareholder rebellion after bruising pay votes at Burberry last week and Standard Chartered in May. Sir John is leaving his post at Experian this week but failed to assuage investors’ anxiety over lavish boardroom payouts and a reshuffle that is said to go against governance rules.

Sunday Telegraph: Regulators urged to let small banks lend more

The Bank of England has pushed for international regulators to relax capital rules for smaller banks, claiming that current regulations, put in place after the financial crisis, give big lenders an inbuilt advantage and restrict lending to households and businesses.

Mail on Sunday: Angry investors admit defeat in £5bn tax fight

Millionaire investors in a £5bn alleged tax avoidance scheme run by financier Patrick McKenna’s investment firm Ingenious are preparing to settle with the taxman rather than face a court battle with the authorities. The Ingenious scheme counts numerous celebrities as members.