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U.S. Warns Iran Over ‘Unworkable’ Plans for Nuclear Power Program U.S. Warns Iran Over ‘Unworkable’ Plans for Nuclear Power Program
(about 2 months later)
VIENNA — A senior Obama administration official said Saturday that Iran continues to take “inadequate and unworkable” positions on the future of its nuclear program, and warned that the country would have to live with sharp limits on its ability to produce nuclear fuel for at least a decade, and perhaps longer. VIENNA — A senior Obama administration official said Saturday that Iran continues to take “inadequate and unworkable” positions on the future of its nuclear program, and warned that the country would have to live with sharp limits on its ability to produce nuclear fuel for at least a decade, and perhaps longer.
The comments, made to reporters here just hours before Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to arrive with European foreign ministers, strongly suggested that a comprehensive deal would not be closed by a July 20 deadline.The comments, made to reporters here just hours before Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to arrive with European foreign ministers, strongly suggested that a comprehensive deal would not be closed by a July 20 deadline.
Although the goal of the weekend negotiations is to try to push Iran to make political decisions that American officials say it has resisted, the Obama administration is refusing to discuss extending the talks — which is possible under a preliminary agreement reached late last year — for fear that would reduce the pressure to make progress over the next week.Although the goal of the weekend negotiations is to try to push Iran to make political decisions that American officials say it has resisted, the Obama administration is refusing to discuss extending the talks — which is possible under a preliminary agreement reached late last year — for fear that would reduce the pressure to make progress over the next week.
The official, who is centrally involved in the negotiations, spoke to a large group of reporters on the standard diplomatic condition of anonymity. The official said that some progress had been made on several areas of the negotiations. While there were no specifics, European officials have said that major gaps have been closed on the future of a plutonium reactor under construction near the Iranian city of Arak, and on the fate of a deep underground nuclear-enrichment center that was discovered by Western intelligence agencies and that President Obama said four years ago needed to be closed.The official, who is centrally involved in the negotiations, spoke to a large group of reporters on the standard diplomatic condition of anonymity. The official said that some progress had been made on several areas of the negotiations. While there were no specifics, European officials have said that major gaps have been closed on the future of a plutonium reactor under construction near the Iranian city of Arak, and on the fate of a deep underground nuclear-enrichment center that was discovered by Western intelligence agencies and that President Obama said four years ago needed to be closed.
But the central sticking point remains differing views on the future of Iran’s program.But the central sticking point remains differing views on the future of Iran’s program.
In a speech in Iran five days ago, the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, talked of a long-term plan for a tenfold increase in Iran’s nuclear enrichment capability, saying the country’s scientists have determined that would be the only way to satisfy Iran’s need for nuclear power. The comments worried American and European officials, because they suggested the religious leader was not preparing the Iranian people for cutbacks in the country’s existing number of centrifuges, the machines that enrich uranium. It currently has about 10,000 enriching uranium, and another 9,000 set up but not in full operation.In a speech in Iran five days ago, the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, talked of a long-term plan for a tenfold increase in Iran’s nuclear enrichment capability, saying the country’s scientists have determined that would be the only way to satisfy Iran’s need for nuclear power. The comments worried American and European officials, because they suggested the religious leader was not preparing the Iranian people for cutbacks in the country’s existing number of centrifuges, the machines that enrich uranium. It currently has about 10,000 enriching uranium, and another 9,000 set up but not in full operation.
Mr. Khamenei spoke of an American demand that only 10,000 centrifuges could be allowed to run, dismissing that as unworkable. In fact, American officials say their number is far lower than that, though they would not specify it.Mr. Khamenei spoke of an American demand that only 10,000 centrifuges could be allowed to run, dismissing that as unworkable. In fact, American officials say their number is far lower than that, though they would not specify it.
American officials denied that there were divisions among the six countries negotiating with Iran, and played down the significance of the absence of Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, from the meeting expected here on Sunday. France said last week that Russia was now separating itself from the common positions it had taken with the French, as well as with China, the United States, Germany and Britain.American officials denied that there were divisions among the six countries negotiating with Iran, and played down the significance of the absence of Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, from the meeting expected here on Sunday. France said last week that Russia was now separating itself from the common positions it had taken with the French, as well as with China, the United States, Germany and Britain.
Mr. Kerry will be joined here by William Hague of Britain, Laurent Fabius of France and Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany.Mr. Kerry will be joined here by William Hague of Britain, Laurent Fabius of France and Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany.
Mr. Steinmeier and Mr. Kerry are also expected to meet separately on the demand by Germany that the C.I.A. station chief in Berlin leave the country, a protest over alleged American recruitment of spies in Germany.Mr. Steinmeier and Mr. Kerry are also expected to meet separately on the demand by Germany that the C.I.A. station chief in Berlin leave the country, a protest over alleged American recruitment of spies in Germany.