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Afghan candidates agree vote audit Afghan candidates agree vote audit
(about 1 hour later)
Afghanistan's two presidential election candidates have agreed to an audit in an attempt to resolve a dispute over the result of last month's vote, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said.Afghanistan's two presidential election candidates have agreed to an audit in an attempt to resolve a dispute over the result of last month's vote, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said.
Speaking alongside candidates Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, Mr Kerry said both would abide by the result.Speaking alongside candidates Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, Mr Kerry said both would abide by the result.
The recount of all 8m ballots would begin within 24 hours, he said.The recount of all 8m ballots would begin within 24 hours, he said.
Preliminary results suggest Mr Ghani has won, but both candidate accuse the other of electoral fraud.Preliminary results suggest Mr Ghani has won, but both candidate accuse the other of electoral fraud.
Results announced by Afghanistan's election officials give Mr Ghani 56.44% of votes in the 14 June run-off, with Mr Abdullah gaining 43.45%.Results announced by Afghanistan's election officials give Mr Ghani 56.44% of votes in the 14 June run-off, with Mr Abdullah gaining 43.45%.
The results were markedly different from those achieved in the first round of voting, held in April, when Mr Ghani came a distant second.The results were markedly different from those achieved in the first round of voting, held in April, when Mr Ghani came a distant second.
Afghanistan's current President Hamid Karzai, who came to office after the US-led overthrow of the Taliban, is stepping down after more than 10 years.Afghanistan's current President Hamid Karzai, who came to office after the US-led overthrow of the Taliban, is stepping down after more than 10 years.
US officials had been hopeful of a breakthrough on Saturday after the first day of negotiations remained inconclusive.US officials had been hopeful of a breakthrough on Saturday after the first day of negotiations remained inconclusive.
Ashraf Ghani described the move as the "most comprehensive audit in the history of elections".
The audit of eight million votes goes much further than many Afghans imagined, the BBC's Karen Allen in Kabul says.
Outgoing President Hamid Karzai is being requested to delay his successor's inauguration, our correspondent adds.
The framework for a unity government may be being sketched out, but the details about the possible division of power are unclear.
Counting of votes is to begin early on Sunday morning, with the ballot boxes being moved under tight security to counting locations. The votes will be under constant guard until new results are disclosed.
Karen Allen in Kabul says the strict measures show how politically important the election is for Afghanistan and the international community.
She says there is pressure on all sides to come up with a deal.
'Strongest signal''Strongest signal'
Mr Kerry, who arrived on Friday for a hastily arranged visit, had been concerned at reports that Mr Abdullah was planning a "parallel government".Mr Kerry, who arrived on Friday for a hastily arranged visit, had been concerned at reports that Mr Abdullah was planning a "parallel government".
At a news conference with the two candidates, he said that every single ballot would be audited.At a news conference with the two candidates, he said that every single ballot would be audited.
Those in Kabul would be checked first, and international Isaf forces would bring the rest from the provinces, he added.Those in Kabul would be checked first, and international Isaf forces would bring the rest from the provinces, he added.
He praised Mr Ghani and Mr Abdullah for their commitment to the electoral process.He praised Mr Ghani and Mr Abdullah for their commitment to the electoral process.
"This is the strongest possible signal by both candidates of a desire to restore legitimacy to the process and to Afghan democracy," he said."This is the strongest possible signal by both candidates of a desire to restore legitimacy to the process and to Afghan democracy," he said.