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UN calls for Israel-Gaza ceasefire UN calls for Israel-Gaza ceasefire
(35 minutes later)
The UN Security Council has called for a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as Palestinian deaths continue to mount.The UN Security Council has called for a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as Palestinian deaths continue to mount.
All 15 members approved a statement calling for de-escalation, the "restoration of calm" and a resumption of peace talks. All 15 members approved a statement calling for calm and peace talks.
At least 133 Palestinians have been killed since Israel began its operation five days ago, Palestinian sources say.At least 133 Palestinians have been killed since Israel began its operation five days ago, Palestinian sources say.
Israel says it has been hit by about 90 rockets on Saturday, suffering damage. Israel said it was hit by about 90 rockets on Saturday, and several were intercepted over Tel Aviv after Hamas said it would target the city.
It is the first time since Israel's offensive began that the UN Security Council has issued a statement, with members previously divided on their response.It is the first time since Israel's offensive began that the UN Security Council has issued a statement, with members previously divided on their response.
The problem has been finding a form of words that Arab nations, represented on the Security Council by Jordan, find meaningful but which the US, Israel's close ally, could also agree with, the BBC's Nick Bryant reports from the UN.The problem has been finding a form of words that Arab nations, represented on the Security Council by Jordan, find meaningful but which the US, Israel's close ally, could also agree with, the BBC's Nick Bryant reports from the UN.
Text of UN Security Council statementText of UN Security Council statement
The Security Council members expressed serious concern regarding the crisis related to Gaza and the protection and welfare of civilians on both sides.The Security Council members expressed serious concern regarding the crisis related to Gaza and the protection and welfare of civilians on both sides.
The Security Council members called for de-escalation of the situation, restoration of calm, and reinstitution of the November 2012 ceasefire.The Security Council members called for de-escalation of the situation, restoration of calm, and reinstitution of the November 2012 ceasefire.
The Security Council members further called for respect for international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians.The Security Council members further called for respect for international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians.
The Security Council members also expressed their support for the resumption of direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians with the aim of achieving a comprehensive peace agreement based on the two-state solution.The Security Council members also expressed their support for the resumption of direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians with the aim of achieving a comprehensive peace agreement based on the two-state solution.
Israel has vowed to press on with its campaign until rocket attacks stop.Israel has vowed to press on with its campaign until rocket attacks stop.
It says it is targeting militants and militant facilities, including the homes of senior operatives. "Dozens of terrorists" are among those killed, it says.It says it is targeting militants and militant facilities, including the homes of senior operatives. "Dozens of terrorists" are among those killed, it says.
However, the UN estimated has estimated that 77% of the people killed in Gaza were civilians.However, the UN estimated has estimated that 77% of the people killed in Gaza were civilians.
In the latest violenceIn the latest violence
'No knockout''No knockout'
Israel is deploying an eighth "Iron Dome" anti-missile battery as it mobilises thousands of army reservists for a possible land operation inside Gaza.Israel is deploying an eighth "Iron Dome" anti-missile battery as it mobilises thousands of army reservists for a possible land operation inside Gaza.
A senior military official said Israel estimated Hamas still had thousands of rockets in its arsenal and it would take Israel more time to eliminate the threat to its civilians.A senior military official said Israel estimated Hamas still had thousands of rockets in its arsenal and it would take Israel more time to eliminate the threat to its civilians.
"There is no knockout," he told the Associated Press news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It is more complicated.""There is no knockout," he told the Associated Press news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It is more complicated."
A spokesman for Hamas, the Islamist movement which controls the Gaza Strip, said it would not "beg for calm" and would "continue to defend" its people.A spokesman for Hamas, the Islamist movement which controls the Gaza Strip, said it would not "beg for calm" and would "continue to defend" its people.
"Once we are offered a genuine, coherent and serious proposal, we will look into it," he added, quoted by Reuters news agency."Once we are offered a genuine, coherent and serious proposal, we will look into it," he added, quoted by Reuters news agency.
Vienna talks 'Urgent action'
In Bethlehem, Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli soldiers. Other protests in support of Palestinians were held in Libya and Tunisia, and France.In Bethlehem, Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli soldiers. Other protests in support of Palestinians were held in Libya and Tunisia, and France.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has said he will discuss with his US, French and German counterparts the need for a ceasefire when they meet on Sunday.UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has said he will discuss with his US, French and German counterparts the need for a ceasefire when they meet on Sunday.
"It is clear that we need urgent, concerted international action to secure a ceasefire, as was the case in 2012," he said."It is clear that we need urgent, concerted international action to secure a ceasefire, as was the case in 2012," he said.
Israel and militants in Gaza fought an eight-day war in November 2012, which ended with a truce.
Rocket fire and air strikes increased after the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers in June, which Israel blamed on Hamas and which led to a crackdown on the group in the West Bank. Hamas denied being behind the killings.Rocket fire and air strikes increased after the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers in June, which Israel blamed on Hamas and which led to a crackdown on the group in the West Bank. Hamas denied being behind the killings.
Tensions rose further after the suspected revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem on 2 July, after which six suspects were arrested. Tensions rose further after the suspected revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem on 2 July. Six Jewish suspects were arrested over the youth's abduction and murder.
Israel's Iron Dome missile shieldIsrael's Iron Dome missile shield
Are you in Israel or Gaza? How has the violence affected you? You can email your experiences to, using the subject line 'Israel Gaza'.Are you in Israel or Gaza? How has the violence affected you? You can email your experiences to, using the subject line 'Israel Gaza'.