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Israel Says It Struck a Gaza Mosque Containing Weapons Israel Says It Struck a Gaza Mosque Containing Weapons
(about 1 hour later)
JERUSALEM — The Israeli military said on Saturday that overnight it had struck a mosque in central Gaza that held a concealed weapons cache. JERUSALEM — The Israeli military said on Saturday that it had struck a mosque in central Gaza overnight that held a concealed weapons cache.
The move was likely to fan Palestinian outrage during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The attack was likely to fan Palestinian outrage, especially as it took place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
In Gaza, health officials said that the death toll from the Israeli airstrikes had reached 120, with hundreds more wounded. Many of those killed and wounded were said to be civilians, including women and children.In Gaza, health officials said that the death toll from the Israeli airstrikes had reached 120, with hundreds more wounded. Many of those killed and wounded were said to be civilians, including women and children.
Israel’s military said that over five days of fighting it had struck more than 1,160 targets in Gaza, including rocket launchers, weapon manufacturing and storage facilities and private homes that it said had served as command-and-control centers for militants guiding the rocket fire. Overnight, the military said it had targeted 10 “terror operatives,” six of whom it said were directly involved in launching rockets at Israel at the time. Israel’s military said that over five days of fighting it had struck more than 1,160 targets in Gaza, including rocket launchers, weapon manufacturing and storage facilities, and private homes that it said had served as command-and-control centers for militants guiding the rocket fire. Overnight, the military said it had targeted 10 “terror operatives,” six of whom it said were directly involved in launching rockets at Israel at the time.
In a statement on Saturday, the military said that Hamas, the Islamic group that dominates Gaza, and the militant group Islamic Jihad “systematically use mosques to conceal weaponry and establish underground tunnel networks, abusing the holy nature of these sites for their own terror-oriented agendas.”In a statement on Saturday, the military said that Hamas, the Islamic group that dominates Gaza, and the militant group Islamic Jihad “systematically use mosques to conceal weaponry and establish underground tunnel networks, abusing the holy nature of these sites for their own terror-oriented agendas.”
“These sites are part of a vast terror network embedded deep within civilian populations purposefully, by these terror organizations,” the statement added. “These sites are part of a vast terror network embedded deep within civilian populations purposefully by these terror organizations,” the statement added.
The military issued aerial photographs of the mosque site, surrounded by civilian homes.The military issued aerial photographs of the mosque site, surrounded by civilian homes.
Over the last five days, there have been injuries from rocket fire but no fatalities in Israel, although militants in Gaza have launched almost 700 rockets and mortars, often reaching much deeper into Israel than in past rounds of fighting, according to the military. Israeli officials attribute the lack of fatalities largely to the success of the country’s Iron Dome missile defense system, which has intercepted most rockets headed for large population centers, and to the discipline of Israelis who heed instructions and head for protected areas when the sirens go off. Over the last five days, there have been injuries but no fatalities from rocket fire in Israel, although militants in Gaza have launched almost 700 rockets and mortars, often reaching much deeper into Israel than in past rounds of fighting, according to the military. Israeli officials attribute the lack of fatalities largely to the success of the country’s Iron Dome missile defense system, which has intercepted most rockets headed for large population centers, and to the discipline of Israelis who heed instructions and head for protected areas when the sirens go off. The only Israeli who has died thus far was a woman in Haifa who had a heart attack while running to a shelter.
But Iron Dome does not provide total protection. A rocket struck a house in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba on Friday night, destroying it and injuring an elderly woman. A man was severely wounded on Friday and seven others suffered less serious wounds when a rocket hit a gasoline station in Ashdod, an Israeli port city, setting it ablaze.But Iron Dome does not provide total protection. A rocket struck a house in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba on Friday night, destroying it and injuring an elderly woman. A man was severely wounded on Friday and seven others suffered less serious wounds when a rocket hit a gasoline station in Ashdod, an Israeli port city, setting it ablaze.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that Israel was “weighing all possibilities and preparing for all possibilities,” including dispatching ground forces to Gaza.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that Israel was “weighing all possibilities and preparing for all possibilities,” including dispatching ground forces to Gaza.
Hamas’s military wing said it was ready for a long fight, saying on its website that it had “utilized only a little of what it has prepared for the Zionist enemy.” .Hamas’s military wing said it was ready for a long fight, saying on its website that it had “utilized only a little of what it has prepared for the Zionist enemy.” .
While there was talk about some efforts underway to broker a cease-fire, none appeared imminent.While there was talk about some efforts underway to broker a cease-fire, none appeared imminent.