11 commandments for India’s civil servants issued by Prime Minister Modi


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India's new prime minister is on a mission to get more productivity out of the nation's civil servants. As part of that quest, his team laid out these 11 steps for “an improved work culture and work environment including hygiene and cleanliness of the work space."

Modi's 11 commandments 

1. In each Government building, work space of your department should be cleared and spruced up. Passages and stairs should be cleaned up to make it unobstructed and no office material / almirah etc. should be found in these spaces. Inside the rooms too, the files / papers etc. should be neatly stacked so that a positive work environment is created.

2. Every Department should identify and repeal at least 10 rules or processes, and even archaic Acts, that are redundant and would not lead to any loss of efficiency.

3. Every Department should identify forms that are in vogue and shorten them, where possible, to one page only. (Seeking of unnecessary or irrelevant information should be discouraged).

4. Every Department should encourage use of ICT in submission of information and eventually universalize it.

5. Decision making layers should be reduced, to a maximum of four layers.

6. Files and papers should be weeded out in accordance with the rules of record keeping including digitization, wherever necessary. This exercise would be completed within 3-4 weeks.

7. Collaborative decision making and frequent consultation between departments must be done. Where issues remain unresolved, Cabinet Secretariat/PMO should be apprised for resolution.

8. Effective and timely resolution of public grievances must be ensured and monitored by the Secretaries of the Departments concerned.

9. Each Department should workout modalities of fulfilling promises made to the people.

10. Entire Department should work as a team with every level  should be encouraged to provide inputs and value addition in the exercise.

11. Goals set for the period of 2009-2014, and the present status thereof, should be analysed. [This information should also be included in the presentation to be made before the Hon'ble Prime Minister.]