Tasmania's muddy Tamar River could become huge, clear, freshwater lake


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Tasmania's muddy Tamar River could be turned into a clear freshwater lake four-fifths the size of Sydney Harbour, a lobby group says.

The murky Tamar is synonymous with Launceston but the group says a $320m barrage near its mouth would produce a water-lover's playground.

“It will be virtually crystal clear,” a spokesman for Tamar Lake Incorporated, Robin Frith, said.

“Instead of having a visual depth of about six inches ... you'll be able to go down two or three metres.”

This week the group released a KPMG economic impact report that says the project would create 850 jobs during its three years of construction and the same number in agriculture and tourism.

It would generate $315m for Tasmania's economy in its first three years of operation, the report says.

Other benefits would include stopping the effects of predicted sea-level rise of 0.8m lapping the streets of Launceston, Frith said.

The retired engineer is calling for a full feasibility study to be completed by government, which would include a submission to Infrastructure Australia.

He says Singapore solved an identical problem with a similar solution.

“[Singapore River] used to be just a muddy bank with old junks parked on the side,” he said.

“The lake now supplies fresh water to the city of Singapore, whereas before they had to import fresh water. Now it's an aquatic paradise.”

Governments have promised $125,000 for 3D models of the proposal.

The lake would be 60km long and contain 405 gigalitres of water, 80% of Sydney Harbour's 500 gigalitres.

It would be seven times the size of Canberra's Lake Burley Griffin.

Boats would come and go from the river through two locks.

The barrage would stop the incoming tide causing silt to choke the waterway, said Frith, but the project would also rely on water authorities improving sewage disposal in the river.

Tamar Lake Incorporated has raised $420,000 and has completed studies on the proposal's technical and environmental viability.

It hopes the project can begin in 2019.