Half of Welsh holidaymakers drink 'every day', study finds


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Half of Welsh holidaymakers admit they drink alcohol every day whilst abroad, a survey has shown.

The Alcohol Concern Cymru study found three quarters of people drank more on holiday than at home, many claiming it helped them relax and have fun.

A third said they drank at least four alcoholic drinks a day, while 33% admitted they started drinking before they got to their hotel.

But nearly a quarter said their holiday was disrupted by others' drinking.

Of the 508 people surveyed, 468 said they drank alcohol on their last holiday abroad, but only 26% agreed their break abroad would be less enjoyable without it.

Minimum pricing

About 15% said they drank more because the drinks were part of an all-inclusive deal.

The survey also showed 19% of holidaymakers admitted having a regrettable experience as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, most typically because it resulted in an argument.

Mark Leyshon from Alcohol Concern said people needed to change their relationship with alcohol and take steps to moderate drinking by keeping within the recommended guidelines.

"Free from the constraints of our work and other responsibilities, it seems we are so keen to start drinking that, in some cases, we begin before we've left the departure lounge.

"Yet, far from improving the holiday experience, excess alcohol can often cause disruption and misery, resulting in arguments and ill health, as well as valuable leisure time wasted nursing a hangover."

The charity welcomed the Welsh government's consultation on implementing a minimum unit price for alcohol in Wales, which it said would result in a significant reduction in alcohol misuse and alcohol-related harm.