It's important to recognise the impact Islamism is having in the UK

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The death of Gerry Conlon justifiably motivated Owen Jones to issue a cautionary reminder of how cultural prejudices can blind institutions to the principles of justice and provoke a mood of intolerance (Who will the Gerry Conlons of the future count on?, 23 June). However, he fails to acknowledge that Islam is not only an uncompromisingly proselytising religion it is also a massive political force throughout the world, and evidentially one with a violently extremist wing. While he is correct therefore to cite British military action, foreign policy and civil liberty restrictions as factors in radicalisation, he should also recognise the impact that Islamism itself has on generating a mood of apprehension and insecurity in British society.John DillonBirmingham

• As someone who lived in London at the height of the IRA bombings of the 1970s, I simply don't recall the "anti-Irish hysteria" of which Owen Jones writes. What I remember is a stoical acceptance that we faced a tragic situation to which an answer must in time be found as indeed, hopefully, it now has. There was certainly no blanket bigotry against the mass of the Irish people. Similarly, I have yet to meet an anti-Muslim hysteric, but once again we face a difficult situation which we must get together to try to resolve. Let's stop slinging mud at each other and find hope in the Northern Ireland example that a way forward can always be found. Wouldn't that be a fitting tribute to the likes of Gerry Conlon?Alan ClarkLondon

• Owen Jones has made a choice to have any racism trump "sexism" as a cause for concern. The elderly couple I see every morning walking to the park are not dangerous, but he is always 10 paces ahead of her. I doubt the headscarf-wearing girls I see on their way to university are carrying bombs, but their headscarves are saying: "Sharia law dictates I cover my hair," – and they do. The girls who return to our school strangely changed from their long "summer holidays" in Pakistan, who had been victims of arranged marriages, or FGM had lovely parents in at parents evening. Take away the issue of racism, parity, history etc and ask yourself if we want as a society to accept a form of sexism, of oppression that is virulently subtle and operating under the guise of religious commitment or religious necessity. It's always amazing to me how issues affecting women are swept under the carpet in any discussion by the left. Despite my agreement with Owen Jones about Conlon and scaremongering, wanting Islam to be good just won't make it so. To rephrase his title, Who will Owen Jones's daughters/wife/mother/sisters count on in the future?Name and address supplied

• Born in London, I was brought up in the 1940s and 50s, so Owen Jones's article brought me back to my early days when in polite company I might have been: "Brian Fitzpatrick, not Irish!". It took me until my early 20s to acknowledge my ancestors. A Catholic school education, where to be of Irish descent was normal, had cushioned the blow. We were also taught "correct values". In the real world you have to make your own way. I did, and the post-second world war "consensus" helped, but we are over two generations on.Brian FitzpatrickLondon

• The Guardian has been around for longer than the daguerreotype. Perhaps from its extensive photographic records it can supply a picture of one of those "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish" signs so frequently referred to.Bernard McGinleySt Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex