Supermodel faces 'wild dogs' quiz

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German supermodel Claudia Schiffer is to be interviewed by police over complaints her dogs are intimidating walkers near her Suffolk home.

Locals have complained the dogs are "running wild" on a public path in the grounds of Miss Schiffer's 16th Century mansion near Bury St Edmunds.

Police said they would speak to the dogs' owner following several official complaints by the parish council.

The path crosses Coldham Hall estate, linking Lawshall and Stanningfield.

Miss Schiffer is believed to keep an Irish wolfhound and German shepherd at the mansion she owns with her husband, film producer Matt Vaughn.

'Given advice'

A Suffolk Police spokeswoman said: "We have had complaints, in the main via the parish council, of concerns over dogs roaming free on public footpaths."

After a previous complaint the 36-year-old model had sent her dog to a kennels for behaviour lessons.

The police spokeswoman said: "Arrangements are in hand to meet the owners of the dogs to discuss these issues.

"We received one complaint of a dog causing injury to another dog in December 2005.

"Although not a criminal matter, all parties were spoken to at that time and suitable advice given."