David Cameron must stand up to China and support human rights in Tibet
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/16/david-cameron-china-human-rights-tibet Version 0 of 1. It is with deep concern that we note the government's acquiescence in China's demand that premier Li Keqiang should meet the Queen this week, despite the fact that he is not a head of state. Placing such an imprimatur on a meeting with a leader of the world's largest authoritarian state at a time of increased repression inside its borders is indefensible. The current situation in Tibet is particularly grave. Tibetans continue to suffer severely for any opposition to Chinese rule or simply for expressing their national identity or religious faith. Within the past 12 months unarmed protesters have been fired on and Tibetan political prisoners have been killed in jail, and convincing reports of torture are widespread. Tibetans are subject to Orwellian surveillance and may be arrested simply for possessing the Tibetan flag or images of the Dalai Lama on their mobile phones. This latest act of self-abasement can only be redeemed by a clear public statement by the prime minister condemning the abuse of Tibetans' human rights and expressing the UK's clear and long-overdue support for self-determination for the Tibetan people.Tenzin Samphel Chair, Tibetan Community in Britain, Pema Dolma Europe and campaigns director, Students for a Free Tibet, Eleanor Byrne-Rosengren Director, Free Tibet, Philippa Carrick CEO, Tibet Society • Will China's premier be opening a "human rights dialogue" with David Cameron (Analysis: Chinese put Britain in its place, 15 June)? He might start with "Green party peer put on database of 'extremists'" (page 1, 16 June), move on to "Miliband joins calls for investigation into police actions during clash with miners" (page 3, 16 June) before perhaps discussing the people of Diego Garcia, the illegal invasion of Iraq (and its consequences), assistance in extraordinary rendition and torture, the continued detention of Shaker Aamer in Guantánamo. The list can go on…Jim CookReading, Berkshire |