10 things we didn't know last week


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1. The biggest impact of heavy drinking on rugby players' performance is on their jumping prowess.

Find out more (the Times)

2. Rats can feel regret.

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3. The playwright Sir David Hare was asked to write and direct two Star Wars films.

Find out more (Guardian)

4. It's legal in the UK to have a primate as a pet.

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5. Drinking strong black coffee cleans your teeth.

Find out more (the Times)

6. The word "fit" to signify a desirable woman was used in Henry Hawley Smart's 1884 horseracing novel From Post to Finish.

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7. Britain's only Costa Rican restaurant is in Whitby.

Find out more (Telegraph)

8. At the end of the 18th Century, the kind of language used in the Old Bailey barely differed for violent or non-violent crimes - this changed in Victorian times.

Find out more (New Scientist)

9. South Koreans drink an average of 13.7 shots of liquor a week - the most in the world, twice as much as Russians.

Find out more (Quartz)

10. Elizabeth I had a rosier complexion than her traditionally depicted alabaster complexion - her reputed paleness is based on red pigments fading in portraits.

Find out more (the Times)

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