Chris Christie pokes fun at bridge scandal on the Tonight Show

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Some things you never expect in a dance number: pleats, khakis, polos, Chris Christie.

The New Jersey governor and Jimmy Fallon performed the Evolution of Dad Dancing on The Tonight Show, in honor of Father's Day on Sunday. The bit even poked fun at the bridge scandal that's dogged the governor's administration.

Thursday night's routine with Christie ended with This Bridge is Closed, where Christie, mock-upset, walked off the stage. The Evolution of Dancing is a bit Fallon often performs with celebrity guests.

This is the Republican governor's first late-night television appearance since the bridge scandal broke, the Star Ledger reported. Some pundits believe Christie's appearance may be an effort to put the alleged scheme for political retribution behind him.

For months after the bridge scandal broke in fall of 2013, the governor was the butt of late-night jokes. Included in the circuit was a Fallon bit with Bruce Springsteen, one of Christie's musical idols. Christie was once considered the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.