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Tens of thousands of tents are discarded at festivals - and I know why Tens of thousands of tents are discarded at festivals - and I know why
(about 2 hours later)
Oh to have been a tentOh to have been a tent
manufacturer with a crystal ball in the 1970s.manufacturer with a crystal ball in the 1970s.
Back then, camping wasBack then, camping was
in decline, due in part to holidays in the sun becoming cheaper andin decline, due in part to holidays in the sun becoming cheaper and
more available.more available.
But then the sun cameBut then the sun came
out for the likes of Vango et al – not literally, of course, youout for the likes of Vango et al – not literally, of course, you
understand. The rise and rise of the great British music festivalunderstand. The rise and rise of the great British music festival
over the last couple of decades has made owning a tent aover the last couple of decades has made owning a tent a
pre-requisite for any under-30. Meanwhile, camping came back intopre-requisite for any under-30. Meanwhile, camping came back into
fashion for the over-30s, who rediscovered a cheap and delightful wayfashion for the over-30s, who rediscovered a cheap and delightful way
to holiday with the holiday with the kids.
Later this month WorthyLater this month Worthy
Farm, near Glastonbury, will host 150,000 revellers, staff andFarm, near Glastonbury, will host 150,000 revellers, staff and
performers. Latitude, in July, will entertain around 35,000: the Isleperformers. Latitude, in July, will entertain around 35,000: the Isle
of Wight this weekend will play host to about 55,000;of Wight this weekend will play host to about 55,000;
that's an awful lot of party-goers and tents – and there are manythat's an awful lot of party-goers and tents – and there are many
more festivals happening all over the UK this summer.more festivals happening all over the UK this summer.
Each year, tonnes ofEach year, tonnes of
rubbish are left at festival sites. A figure that includes thousandsrubbish are left at festival sites. A figure that includes thousands
upon thousands of tents. In one year alone at Glastonbury, 20,000upon thousands of tents. In one year alone at Glastonbury, 20,000
tents were abandoned, according to Rob Kearle, the festival’s headtents were abandoned, according to Rob Kearle, the festival’s head
of refuse and recycling. In an interview with recycling website,of refuse and recycling. In an interview with recycling website,
Resource, Kearle says the festival tries to recycle what tents itResource, Kearle says the festival tries to recycle what tents it
can, however, many still end up in landfill. “Last year, a localcan, however, many still end up in landfill. “Last year, a local
woman collected about 1,000 to use to make clothes, and groups likewoman collected about 1,000 to use to make clothes, and groups like
the Boy Scouts and Air Cadets also get to pick through thethe Boy Scouts and Air Cadets also get to pick through the
leftovers,” says Kearle.leftovers,” says Kearle.
Kearle lays the blameKearle lays the blame
for this figure at a throw-away mentality and a change in thefor this figure at a throw-away mentality and a change in the
demographic of festival-goers from the original green-minded hippies.demographic of festival-goers from the original green-minded hippies.
However, I personally would like to add another reason, which is thatHowever, I personally would like to add another reason, which is that
the damn things are so difficult to pack up.the damn things are so difficult to pack up.
I often go away withI often go away with
the kids on my own, and I have noticed over the years that quite athe kids on my own, and I have noticed over the years that quite a
lot of mums do the same thing. I have just enjoyed a couple of nightslot of mums do the same thing. I have just enjoyed a couple of nights
on the south Devon coast with my daughter. Nearby a mum was campingon the south Devon coast with my daughter. Nearby a mum was camping
with her two young children in one of those pop-up tents beloved ofwith her two young children in one of those pop-up tents beloved of
I was interested toI was interested to
witness her attempts to pack up with the hindrance of her toddler andwitness her attempts to pack up with the hindrance of her toddler and
a baby who had crawled off to chew on some grass. She worked hard anda baby who had crawled off to chew on some grass. She worked hard and
long to get the tent to fold up – trying this way, then that,long to get the tent to fold up – trying this way, then that,
bending it into contortions it was never designed to be bent into.bending it into contortions it was never designed to be bent into.
Eventually she managedEventually she managed
to fold it into the required circle it, but just then to fold it into the required circle, but just then
the baby headed off for pastures new – literally. Poor mum lookedthe baby headed off for pastures new – literally. Poor mum looked
from the folded tent in her arms to the disappearing baby and with anfrom the folded tent in her arms to the disappearing baby and with an
anguished howl let it go, whereupon it promptly pinged back into shape.anguished howl let it go, whereupon it promptly pinged back into shape.
It was at this pointIt was at this point
that I felt I should offer my services. It is possible you have beenthat I felt I should offer my services. It is possible you have been
thinking that I should have done this earlier. However, itthinking that I should have done this earlier. However, it
was 7am and I was in my jim-jams reading a Buddhism book on thewas 7am and I was in my jim-jams reading a Buddhism book on the
benefits of loving humanity and living in the present moment. Slowly,benefits of loving humanity and living in the present moment. Slowly,
it occurred to me the moment had come to show my love for thisit occurred to me the moment had come to show my love for this
despairing human.despairing human.
Mum grabbed baby andMum grabbed baby and
toddler and forcefully strapped them into the car, where theytoddler and forcefully strapped them into the car, where they
screamed in indignation. Then we both set to and wrestled with thescreamed in indignation. Then we both set to and wrestled with the
tent for a long time, hampered by mum's stress levels and my concerntent for a long time, hampered by mum's stress levels and my concern
that the dubious elasticity of my pyjamas would not long survive thisthat the dubious elasticity of my pyjamas would not long survive this
dance around a campsite with a pop-up around a campsite with a pop-up tent.
Once tamed it took asOnce tamed it took as
long to stuff the billowing folds of nylon into its absurdlylong to stuff the billowing folds of nylon into its absurdly
snug-fitting bag. "I'll have to do it again back home," said mumsnug-fitting bag. "I'll have to do it again back home," said mum
sadly once it was in the boot of her car. "It's wet on the bottom." Isadly once it was in the boot of her car. "It's wet on the bottom." I
gazed at her with empathy; her children were still screaming, shegazed at her with empathy; her children were still screaming, she
looked completely done in, a three-hour drive to the Midlands laylooked completely done in, a three-hour drive to the Midlands lay
ahead of her and it was not yet 8am.ahead of her and it was not yet 8am.
I vowed not to repeatI vowed not to repeat
the same procedure when I left and stuffed our tent in the back ofthe same procedure when I left and stuffed our tent in the back of
the car to be dealt with once home. I have unsuccessfully tried seventhe car to be dealt with once home. I have unsuccessfully tried seven
times since to fold it so it goes back into the bag from whence ittimes since to fold it so it goes back into the bag from whence it
It appears to me thatIt appears to me that
tent manufacturers seem to me to be overly focussed on compact and tent manufacturers seem to me to be overly focused on compact and
lightweight tents that can be transported and put up easily but lesslightweight tents that can be transported and put up easily but less
concerned with how they get put away. Why, for instance, do theconcerned with how they get put away. Why, for instance, do the
sleeves they come in have to be quite so tight fitting?sleeves they come in have to be quite so tight fitting?
They seem to be unawareThey seem to be unaware
that people may not be folding up tents in ideal conditions – thatthat people may not be folding up tents in ideal conditions – that
it might be windy and wet for instance, or a woman might be camping on her ownit might be windy and wet for instance, or a woman might be camping on her own
with small children, or a hapless and hungover teenager could be trying towith small children, or a hapless and hungover teenager could be trying to
deal with a sodden, mud-encrusted mass of nylon and bendy with a sodden, mud-encrusted mass of nylon and bendy poles.
I'm not up to theI'm not up to the
maths, but if 20,000 tents were left at Glastonbury in one year –maths, but if 20,000 tents were left at Glastonbury in one year –
what is the total for all the festivals in the UK every summer?what is the total for all the festivals in the UK every summer?
Call me a cynic, butCall me a cynic, but
replacement tents every festival season must be big business.replacement tents every festival season must be big business.
Oh, for that crystalOh, for that crystal