Police hunt family of child found wandering alone in Birmingham street


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Police have issued an urgent appeal to trace the family of a young boy who was found walking alone in a city street.

The barefoot child, believed to be around four years old, was discovered by a member of the public in Chesterton Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, just before 10pm last night.

Officers attended the scene and the boy was taken to a local police station before being transferred to the care of social services.

A police spokesman said inquiries in the local area had so far failed to locate the boy's family.

The child, thought to be Somalian, has been unable to provide officers with his name or any other details.

He is described as black, with short black hair, and was found wearing a yellow T-shirt and navy blue tracksuit bottoms.

Acting Inspector Amer Shams, from Birmingham East police, said: "This is obviously very unusual and worrying.

"We urgently appeal for the parents, or anyone who believes they may know the family of this little boy, to contact us.

"Thankfully, he did not come to any harm and he is being well looked after. We need to try and get him back to where he should be.

"We thank the members of the public who acted quickly and responsibly in contacting us after finding the child in the street last night."

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