Has Aaron Paul been turning on your XBOX One?
http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/13/aaron-paul-xbox-one-kinect Version 0 of 1. If you have any experience of XBOX One's Kinect functionality, you know it can be a trifle creepy. It sits there, in the corner of your room, forever listening, and probably plotting your downfall when it becomes self-aware some time in 2017. For now, though, the device has been surprising users by unexpectedly switching on the console when they view an advert featuring Breaking Bad. As the BBC reports, users online have been complaining about this unexpected 'feature'. HAHAHA omg. @aaronpaul_8 just turned my Xbox One via the Xbox advert. (Which triggered the IR blaster to switch my TV off..) Amazing. Has this happened to you, either with the Aaron Paul ad or with a previous campaign? Has anything particularly creepy happened with your Kinect, or have you accepted its constant presence into your life? Let us know in the comments thread below. |