Who do you invite to a party at Downing Street?


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Well probs it is because of art college but basically I have always said babes we must showcase our inexhaustible passion for culture, srsly what is the point of even being here if I do not get to meet Benedict Cumberbatch, so now we are finally having a salong it is so exciting except for Mr Cobber calling it rent-a-luvvie & everybody stressing over the guest list :((( Because the brit artists have been uber-loyal, obvs, since they heard about the mansion tax, but if you suggest practically anyone cultural who is not Tracey, Craig starts going are you joking, Sir David Hare, this is why I hate thesps even the 1% take the piss remember Harold Pinter & Dave's like, right, remind me why I never go near the theatre. I'm like, excuse me, you LOVED Wicked plus of course we can trust Benedict, he plays a world-famous detective FFS, Dave's like, hang on, did he not go to Harrow, I'm like, that is SO not his fault plus Mummy saw him at Chelsea, in the world of lupin hybrids he is totally a god? Craig's like, which is EXACTLY what they were saying about Katharine Hamnett before she flashed *that* T-shirt, btw Simon Cowell says can he bring Jimmy Carr they share an accountant, are we seriously inviting a war horse?

I'm like, well Alexa says if we really want to win respect culture-wise we need an A-lister from the eyeliner community & can she bring Harry Styles, Dave is like, soz babes, loving his poems – but we need room for Tom Hiddleston & Damian Lewis & Dominic West & Eddie Redmayne, OK he was not in my house but after Les Mis who cares, you know I cried actual tears? I'm like, well don't forget divine Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mr Cobber is like, what, Twelve Years a frickin Slave thanks Sabrina why not ask the effing Redgraves while you're at it, I'm like excuse me, Dulwich College anyone, Mr Cobber is like, that's Brixton in English, drop it, now who for crying out flaming loud is "Miranda"? And Govey goes, if I might humbly venture a contribution PM no disrespect to the estimable Downe House, but after Theresa and Fiona – are we really asking girls?