GoGoDragons! sculptures arrive in Norwich for Break charity event


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The first two dragon sculptures to feature in a community art trail in Norwich have arrived in the city.

More than 70 will eventually be painted and placed around Norwich for the GoGoDragons! event planned for 2015.

The 5ft (1.6m) high glass-fibre models are being created by Wild in Art and the trail is organised by Break, a Norfolk charity caring for vulnerable people.

Last year's GoGoGorillas! event raised about £270,000 for charity at auction.

The choice of dragons for the latest event draws on the close association between the heraldic symbol and the city since the Middle Ages.

The creatures feature in much of Norwich's historic architecture and the city has churches dedicated to Saint George in Tombland and Colegate - both of which house dragon symbols.

Artists are currently submitting designs for painting the many dragons and the charity hopes the trail will be as successful as the gorilla event, which, it said, increased footfall and boosted the economy of Norwich.

The first two dragons will be decorated and displayed at the Royal Norfolk Show at the end of the month.