Times Coverage of Tiananmen Square 25 Years Ago
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/04/world/asia/times-coverage-of-tiananmen-square-25-years-ago.html Version 0 of 1. It was 25 years ago Wednesday that Chinese troops conducted a bloody crackdown on thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square. At the time, Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times’s Beijing bureau chief, reported that “by ordering soldiers to fire on the unarmed crowds, the Chinese leadership has created an incident that almost surely will haunt the government for years to come.” Given the aggressive efforts by Chinese censors and security forces, and the sensitivity of government officials ahead of this week’s anniversary, this assessment has been borne out. But before the violence of June 4, Mr. Kristof and others had been optimistic about the prospect of a more open, more democratic China. “Looking back at what I wrote 25 years ago, I’d say the tone was right but the timing way too optimistic,” Mr. Kristof said recently in an email. “The Communist party indeed has diminishing control over people’s lives.” But he noted that despite economic and social pluralism, there is “still not a whisker of political pluralism.” “Back then we thought that greater democracy would come in five years, or perhaps a decade, but we would not have expected that 25 years later Liu Xiaobo would be in prison as a Nobel Peace Prize winner,” he said. Here are select stories from The Times from 1989 — including work by Mr. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn that won the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting — written just before and just after the violent crackdown in Tiananmen. UPHEAVAL IN CHINA Biggest Beijing Crowds So Far Keep Troops From City Center; May 21, 1989, by Nicholas D. Kristof Huge throngs, possibly amounting to more than one million Chinese, took to the streets today to defy martial law and block troops from reaching the center of the capital, effectively delaying or preventing the planned crackdown on China’s democracy movement. Facing the People, the Soldiers Fall Back; May 21, 1989, by Sheryl WuDunn When a small convoy of military trucks used to launch tear gas and to spray water on rioters rolled through eastern Beijing early this morning, the soldiers met their first unexpected challenge. An old woman street cleaner rushed up and lay down on the road in front of the trucks. CHINA ERUPTS The Reasons Why; The New York Times Magazine, June 4, 1989, by Nicholas D. Kristof The outlook for China’s immediate future is murky, but most Chinese seem to expect that whatever the near-term setbacks, the nation has been set on the road toward less control by the Communist Party. The uprising of the last six weeks, whether it is renewed or repressed, seems to mark a turning point, and it happened with startling, and seemingly inexplicable swiftness. No one predicted that the convulsions would happen when they did, and not even China’s most famous savants can safely predict what will happen next. The same day his article appeared in the magazine, Mr. Kristof reported from Beijing for The Times when Chinese troops used bloody force to retake the center of the capital from pro-democracy protesters. CRACKDOWN IN BEIJING Troops Attack and Crush Beijing Protest; June 4, 1989, by Nicholas D. Kristof Changan Avenue, or the Avenue of Eternal Peace, Beijing’s main east-west thoroughfare, echoed with screams this morning as young people carried the bodies of their friends away from the front lines. The dead or seriously wounded were heaped on the backs of bicycles or tricycle rickshaws and supported by friends who rushed through the crowds, sometimes sobbing as they ran. In the Streets, Anguish, Fury and Tears; June 4, 1989, by Sheryl WuDunn As the crackle of automatic weapons filled the air today on the Avenue of Eternal Peace, tens of thousands of Beijing residents, even elderly men and women, rushed out to see what they could do to turn back the troops. A day later, the amount of carnage was only a little clearer as “word-of-mouth estimates continued to soar, some reaching far into the thousands.” Beijing Death Toll at Least 300; Army Tightens Control of City but Angry Resistance Goes On; June 5, 1989, by Nicholas D. Kristof By ordering soldiers to fire on the unarmed crowds, the Chinese leadership has created an incident that almost surely will haunt the Government for years to come. It is believed here that after the bloodshed of this weekend, it will be incomparably more difficult to rule China. |