Where the European project goes next
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/28/where-european-project-goes-next Version 0 of 1. Timothy Garton Ash is right to say (Comment, 27 May) these elections may well be dubbed "the wake-up call from which Europe failed to wake up". The EU was founded to bind Europe together, to make future European wars unthinkable and to foster working together for our common benefit. Instead, the imposition of the euro has raised the threat of civil war both within and between states. The first measure is to recognise that monetary union was a gross mistake. All states should be allowed to resurrect their national currencies, to allow them to float to a sustainable level. Secondly, we must recognise that the unregulated free-market economy is incompatible with democracy. The banks and international corporations have assumed the running of states worldwide, while demoting governments to the status of their well-rewarded lackeys. The full answer cannot lie within Europe alone, but with so many of the world's leading thinkers, there is little hope for anyone, unless we set an example. Some leading economists are already advocating for these changes, for instance Larry Elliott (Report, 19 May), where he strongly supports abolishing austerity and the euro.Dr John MackrellLondon • Larry Elliott says politicians should devise measures which make capitalism meet the needs of the people rather than vice-versa. The coverage of collective bargaining and trade union numbers declined markedly in the two decades following the advent of Thatcher in 1979. Since then the extent of collective bargaining and union membership has stabilised but the UK Labour Force Survey shows that in 2012 only 29% of employees were covered by collective bargaining. This compares unfavourably with Germany, where figures from the government-backed research body IAB indicate that 59% of German workers are covered by trade union negotiations. UK research reveals those unionised enjoy better pay and conditions than the unorganised majority. A significant measure would be to effectively legislate to extend the reach of collective bargaining and encourage union membership.Michael SomertonHull • The usually percipient Martin Kettle (Britain joins anti-Europe tune played across the continent, 26 May) doesn't seem to get it. This was not a battle about "more Europe" versus "reformed Europe". Indeed, it wasn't really about Europe as such at all. It was about an utter rejection of what Europe under the dead hand of Angela Merkel and her neoclassical economic model is now seen to stand for and be wholly identified with: unrelenting austerity. That explains why the same call is being made both from the radical left (Syriza in Greece) and the far right (FN in France) – both of which topped their country polls with 27% – that the deadweight of EU economic policy that has plunged large parts of Europe into near-destitution and spawned the eurozone crisis, which is far from over, must be abandoned. It is staggering that the real cause of public frustration and anger received such little attention in these elections. The people who deserted to Ukip in their droves were older white working-class voters pig-sick of being told, by both main parties, that whoever wins the next election there will be another four to five years of austerity and continued cuts in their living standards. Growth and job creation are the manifestly obvious alternatives which cry out to be implemented, since four years of austerity have reduced the budget deficit by a miserly £10bn, still leaving a black hole in the national accounts of £108bn. Yet 2% growth would reduce it by £30bn in just one year. Of course, the Tories will talk up their own so-called "recovery", but it has no legs when wages, productivity, business investment and net exports still remain dramatically negative – ie this current recovery is not sustainable. David Cameron is likely to end up endorsing Jean-Claude Juncker (five more years of the same) to be the next EU commission president. Labour now has the perfect opportunity to break out of the austerity straitjacket and present a winning growth and jobs ticket for the general election.Michael Meacher MPLabour, Oldham West and Royton • On Tuesday's Today programme, Ken Clarke made a passing reference to continuing discussions in Brussels about the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP). Although this deal surfaces occasionally in the press, very little attention is paid to its restrictive, anti-democratic nature. Its underlying purpose appears to be the removal of as many restrictions as possible on global corporations by undermining the rights of national governments to manage their economic and social sectors as they think appropriate – control of banking, transport, health and other vital national interests will be dangerously undermined by this deal. Outcry is necessary.Nigel TrowPortskewett, Monmouthshire |