Britain Proposes Easier Access to Tap Shale Rock Energy

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LONDON — While most western European governments are opposed to developing oil and gas from shale rock through hydraulic fracturing, the British government continues to plug away at the obstacles inhibiting the country’s fledgling shale industry.

The government on Friday proposed giving companies the right to drill laterally under land without seeking the consent of each landowner as long as the wells were at least 300 meters, or about 985 feet, deep.

It also endorsed industry proposals that operators make a voluntary payment of 20,000 pounds, or $34,000, to local communities for each horizontal well that they drill.

At the same time, the government published a survey by the British Geological Survey, a research organization, estimating that there could be 4.4 billion barrels of oil embedded in the shale rock in an area south of London called the Weald Basin.

To date, it has not been proven that there is commercially exploitable shale gas or oil in Britain, and the industry hunt has been mostly focused on gas. The shale oil estimate is the first major study in Britain to indicate that there could be substantial deposits of the type of oil that has greatly increased production in America in recent years.

The British government appears to be trying to head off challenges by environmental groups and landowners opposed to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

Shale gas wells typically bore down a mile or more and then proceed laterally for that distance or more. Environmental groups have aimed to halt drilling by encouraging owners of the land above the wells to try to block them through legal action.

Indeed, environmental groups quickly criticized the new government proposals. “Stripping away people’s property rights while trying to kick off a Klondike-style shale oil rush” in the area around London “is a highly toxic policy mix,” said Greenpeace in a statement.

Michael Fallon, Britain’s energy minister, said in a statement that the proposals offered “a fair deal for communities in return for underground access at depths so deep they will have no negative impact on landowners.”

The government said that if it did not act, “the commercial exploitation of shale gas and oil in Great Britain is unlikely to develop on a significant scale.”

The government also said that these changes would bring treatment of the shale industry in line with other underground activities, including deep coal mining.

Under the government’s plan, companies would still need to pay landowners for direct access to their land and to obtain all the necessary permits for drilling and fracking. The proposals now come under a 12-week consultation period. The government will then decide how to proceed.

While no shale gas or oil has been produced in Britain, the industry is inching forward. A small company called IGas Energy recently drilled an exploratory well in northern England, encountered gas and is now evaluating samples to see if the deposits can be commercially exploited, according to its chief executive, Andrew Austin. This year, the French oil giant Total said it would invest in a shale gas venture in Britain.

The operators are attracted by Britain’s geological potential as well as relatively welcoming posture. A survey of central Britain published last year by the British Geological Survey estimated that there could be 1,300 trillion cubic feet of gas in the area, although it is not known how much, if any, could be recovered.

Progress has been slow, with only a handful of wells drilled. Operators say that a range of issues, from a lack of equipment to cumbersome regulation, slows the pace of activity and adds to cost.

The opposition to fracking has included protesters camping near the IGas well for weeks, though they were unable to stop the drilling. A series of polls by the University of Nottingham has shown that the British public is generally split on fracking, but that opposition is growing.

Environmentalists worry that fracking will pollute water, inundate their neighborhoods with truck traffic and spoil scenic areas.

“There would be flares burning off unwanted gas, pipelines, compressor stations, thousands of wells,” wrote Kathryn McWhirter, an anti-shale campaigner in Balcombe, which is in the Weald area, in an email on Friday.

The new geological survey published Friday was only mildly encouraging. While 4.4 billion barrels seems like a lot of oil, it is not certain that any can be recovered.

Robert Gatliff, a geologist at the survey group, said that at this point, the Weald did not look as promising as shale oil areas in the United States, like the Bakken in North Dakota. The Bakken shale now produces about 1 million barrels of oil a day.

Because of the presence of clay, which is hard to frack, in the Weald, the shale formations were likely “to be more difficult to frack than the Bakken,” Mr. Gatliff said by phone.

Mr. Austin of IGas said that the prospect of shale oil would probably ignite interest among American shale companies, which are more focused on oil than gas.

For the most part, operators are focusing their shale exploration on areas outside of Europe where they are welcome and where the geology looks more promising.

On Friday, for instance, Total said that it had signed a joint venture with Lukoil, a Russian company, to develop tight or shale oil from a rock formation called the Bazhenov in western Siberia, the heartland of the Russian industry.

The Bazhenov may be the largest shale play on earth. Despite the threat of sanctions hanging over Russia because of the standoff with Ukraine, Russian oil and gas opportunities like the Bazhenov appear to be too lucrative for Western companies to pass up.