UK papers reflect on Iraq events

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Many papers reflect on events in Iraq amid claims of possible policy changes.

The Guardian says its people have become "the principal victims of their liberation from the tyranny of Saddam".

Tony Blair is to put pressure on the Iraqi government to show it will be ready to take over from the UK in the south in about a year, the paper says.

The Daily Mail says "bleak realities" have shaken Washington so much, that the White House is "desperately seeking ways out of the quagmire".

Iraq questions

Under the headline "The Exodus", the Independent says one-and-a-half million Iraqis have fled a country hurtling "towards a final break-up".

The Daily Telegraph thinks the question to be answered now - as the head of the Army said - is "whether our presence is doing more harm than good".

But Tim Hames in the Times won't go along with those who now say the venture was a mistake from the outset.

He remains convinced that it was better to overthrow Saddam.

'Bloody lucky'

The Daily Star says TV presenter Richard Hammond has made astounding progress from his high speed crash.

According to the Sun, he is still experiencing short-term memory-loss but the BBC has delighted him by offering a deal worth £2m to stay Top Gear host.

Hammond himself has spoken to the Daily Mirror. He says his thought, as he lost consciousness, was: "You've had it."

He puts his progress down to playing Lego and Top Trumps and says, "I'm so bloody lucky. I can't believe it."

English wine

The Times, Guardian and Daily Telegraph all highlight US research suggesting those in their 50s can cope with motherhood as well as younger women.

The Daily Mirror, meanwhile, looks at Madonna's adoption of a Malawi boy and reports his father thought he would return to his family after education.

Heads may shake in disbelief but the Daily Telegraph reckons the French are developing a taste for English wine.

A Calais wine merchant insists they are won over by whites and roses on offer.