LGBT rights: the fight is far from over

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Recent headlines in Europe and the US could lead you to believe that the momentum is building in favour of equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. A deeper look at the data, however, reveals a more complicated story unfolding around the world.

In 77 countries it's a crime to be gay; in 10, it can cost you your life. And this number is growing. In the past few months, India has shocked the world by reinstating a colonial rule that criminalises sex between men. This month, Brunei has started to implement a strict new penal code that will allow death by stoning as a punishment for homosexuality and adultery.

This rise in anti-gay sentiment is powered in no small part by fringe religious extremists of multiple faiths. It is organised, well-resourced and is dramatically exacerbating the discrimination and violence that LGBT people face. Russia, Uganda and Nigeria are making homophobia the law of the land and stirring up a culture of hate. Their new anti-gay laws, which penalise public advocacy and increase jail sentences for LGBT people, may pale in comparison with the law recently introduced in Kyrgyzstan to penalise any positive statement about homosexuality.

And there's more. A recent court ruling in France blocked two married lesbians from adopting each other's child, against the interests of these two children. A Romanian MEP candidate is campaigning on an anti-gay ticket, claiming that the European parliament is failing to maintain traditions and family values. The first two Ugandans to be charged under the "kill the gays" law are facing life imprisonment. Waves of arrests of gay people intended to "exorcise" or "cure" them are being reported in Nigeria.

The real human impact of these laws is devastating and can't be underestimated: each day more people must sacrifice their safety and dignity because of who they are or whom they love. Today, we live in a world where our ability to live openly is increasingly a privilege determined largely by the luck of your birth.

But there are powerful signs of hope to challenge these difficult truths. We have witnessed a sea change in marriage equality and victories in anti-discrimination laws. The United States is debating national laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace. Peru and other countries in Latin America are debating a civil unions bill. India's supreme court has just given citizens the right to self-identify their gender and has granted legal status to a third gender category. The efforts of grassroots and human rights organisations are paying significant dividends.

And perhaps most importantly, millions of people around the world are showing that they care enough for equality to stand for love. In just three years, All Out has inspired close to two million people, in every country in the world, to join the equality movement through online campaigns, massive street demonstrations and viral media. More than a third of them are straight and many have never engaged in advocacy before. Yet, they are standing side by side with their friends, family members, neighbours and colleagues demanding equality and making sure that their community, church and corporate leaders, and policymakers help build the world they want.

This is what All Out is all about. Bringing the power of people beyond language and geographical barriers to express their solidarity and be a positive force on the side of LGBT people, pushing uphill and making sure lesbian, gay, bi and trans people and their allies are not silenced and pushed into the shadows.

Our movement is growing and has already won real victories around the world. We're pushing global companies in Uganda to follow the lead of Orange and speak out in support of the LGBT community. We're building on the global outcry we inspired against Russia's anti-gay crackdown and bringing scale and resources to grassroots organisations on the frontline of the battle for equality.

By joining forces to stand for love against those who would take our dignity, family and freedom because of who we are, our growing movement could realise sweeping change in our lifetime. From 77 countries where it's a crime to be gay to zero. For every anti-gay law that passes, there are now – for the first time in history – thousands of people speaking out against it. That's the kind of momentum that should inspire: hope first, and then change.

Andre Banks is co-founder and executive director of All Out, the global movement for love and equality