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Caption Challenge: Staring match Caption Challenge: Staring match
(1 day later)
It's the Caption Challenge. Winning entries in the Caption Challenge.
You can submit captions for this week's picture using the "send us a letter" form on the right. You do not need to be registered to take part. The competition is now closed.
Entries are accepted until 12:30 BST on Friday. The winning six will be highlighted here at oCapr about 13:00 BST on Friday.
There is still no prize, except a small quantity of kudos.
This week, French President Francois Hollande looks at a sculpture as he visits the St John Convent in Stralsund, north-eastern Germany, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.This week, French President Francois Hollande looks at a sculpture as he visits the St John Convent in Stralsund, north-eastern Germany, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Thanks to all who entered. The prize of a small amount of kudos to the following:
6. Graz Valentine:
Francois couldn't decide whether it was Lot's wife or Whistler's mother.
5. P Reade:
"That Lady Gaga gets everywhere!"
4. Adrian Wade:
"Oui, I think I prefer zis to ze one at Craven Cottage."
3. Lin Vegas:
"They say it weeps every time a politician keeps a promise."
2. Bill:
"Tres bien! Give this one a few coins. I've been watching him for ten minutes and he's hardly moved."
1. Andrew:
"...and this is the patron saint of English food, St Gregg."
PDF download Full rules can be seen here[16KB]PDF download Full rules can be seen here[16KB]
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