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Hagel Urges Gulf Arab States to Unite Against Threats Hagel Urges Gulf States, Divided Over Policy, to Unite for Security
(about 9 hours later)
JIDDA, Saudi Arabia — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday urged Gulf Arab states to unite against security threats, as the United States sought to strengthen its influence in a region that has been splintering over how to deal with democracy protests in Egypt, the uprising in Syria and Iran’s nuclear program. JIDDA, Saudi Arabia — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday urged Gulf Arab states to unite against security threats as the United States sought to strengthen its influence in a region that has been splintering over how to deal with democracy protests in Egypt, the uprising in Syria and Iran’s nuclear program.
Mr. Hagel, speaking at a rare meeting of Gulf Cooperation Council defense ministers, quoted from a widely admired centuries-old book of folk tales, “Kalila and Dimna.”Mr. Hagel, speaking at a rare meeting of Gulf Cooperation Council defense ministers, quoted from a widely admired centuries-old book of folk tales, “Kalila and Dimna.”
“Cooperation among friends is vital to their survival,” Mr. Hagel said, looking at the Arab officials gathered around a table.“Cooperation among friends is vital to their survival,” Mr. Hagel said, looking at the Arab officials gathered around a table.
“We must demonstrate our unity at a critical time,” he said. “And we must send a message of strength to adversaries.”“We must demonstrate our unity at a critical time,” he said. “And we must send a message of strength to adversaries.”
Mr. Hagel’s remarks highlighted the fractiousness that has characterized the Gulf in recent months. Some of the Persian Gulf monarchies have broken with Qatar over its support for the Muslim Brotherhood and allied Islamists around the region. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, angry over Qatar’s strategy of aligning with moderate Islamists in the hope of extending its influence amid the Arab Spring revolts, tried to isolate Qatar by withdrawing their ambassadors from Doha in March.Mr. Hagel’s remarks highlighted the fractiousness that has characterized the Gulf in recent months. Some of the Persian Gulf monarchies have broken with Qatar over its support for the Muslim Brotherhood and allied Islamists around the region. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, angry over Qatar’s strategy of aligning with moderate Islamists in the hope of extending its influence amid the Arab Spring revolts, tried to isolate Qatar by withdrawing their ambassadors from Doha in March.
Qatar attended Wednesday’s meeting, held in the ornate Conference Palace here in the Red Sea city of Jidda, but it was not clear whether the Gulf monarchies were ready to let bygones be bygones. Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, opening the meeting, said that the group had to “stand altogether to meet” common threats — Iran’s nuclear program being among the biggest. He added that “we have to seek cooperation with the United States.”Qatar attended Wednesday’s meeting, held in the ornate Conference Palace here in the Red Sea city of Jidda, but it was not clear whether the Gulf monarchies were ready to let bygones be bygones. Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, opening the meeting, said that the group had to “stand altogether to meet” common threats — Iran’s nuclear program being among the biggest. He added that “we have to seek cooperation with the United States.”
Privately, Arab officials made clear that policy differences remain, including ones with the United States that have sometimes left both the Obama administration and its Arab allies looking as if they are operating from opposing playbooks.Privately, Arab officials made clear that policy differences remain, including ones with the United States that have sometimes left both the Obama administration and its Arab allies looking as if they are operating from opposing playbooks.
An Arab official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Arab governments have remained annoyed at President Obama’s handling of the crisis in Egypt since he withdrew support for its president, Hosni Mubarak, in the face of the initial Tahrir Square uprising three years ago.An Arab official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Arab governments have remained annoyed at President Obama’s handling of the crisis in Egypt since he withdrew support for its president, Hosni Mubarak, in the face of the initial Tahrir Square uprising three years ago.
Since then, the United States has tried to strike a balance between backing for democracy protesters — which translated into limited support for Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood — and its longstanding relationship with the Egyptian military, now back in control under the leadership of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.Since then, the United States has tried to strike a balance between backing for democracy protesters — which translated into limited support for Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood — and its longstanding relationship with the Egyptian military, now back in control under the leadership of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
The Saudis and the United Arab Emirates encouraged the Egyptian military’s ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood from power last year, and the subsequent crackdown on its supporters, despite American diplomatic efforts to avert both moves.The Saudis and the United Arab Emirates encouraged the Egyptian military’s ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood from power last year, and the subsequent crackdown on its supporters, despite American diplomatic efforts to avert both moves.
Mr. Hagel said Wednesday that Egypt’s new government “is not anywhere near where they need to be to fulfill the commitments that they made” to a pathway to a democratic society. But he also added that the government had done “enough” to keep its certification for continued American aid.Mr. Hagel said Wednesday that Egypt’s new government “is not anywhere near where they need to be to fulfill the commitments that they made” to a pathway to a democratic society. But he also added that the government had done “enough” to keep its certification for continued American aid.
Mr. Hagel also heard from the Gulf countries about continuing talks in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear program, which have left Arabs fretting that Gulf security could be traded away in exchange for concessions from Iran.Mr. Hagel also heard from the Gulf countries about continuing talks in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear program, which have left Arabs fretting that Gulf security could be traded away in exchange for concessions from Iran.
Mr. Hagel sought to reassure the Gulf countries, saying in his opening remarks that “under no circumstances” would Washington agree to anything that would weaken Gulf security. The United States, he said, will remain “postured and prepared” to make sure that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon, and made a point of mentioning the some 35,000 American troops in the Gulf region.Mr. Hagel sought to reassure the Gulf countries, saying in his opening remarks that “under no circumstances” would Washington agree to anything that would weaken Gulf security. The United States, he said, will remain “postured and prepared” to make sure that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon, and made a point of mentioning the some 35,000 American troops in the Gulf region.
His reassurance came as Iran said Wednesday that it welcomed the invitation for its foreign minister to visit Saudi Arabia as an opportunity to discuss regional issues. Beyond the nuclear program, Iran and Saudi Arabia have been at odds over Syria, with Iran backing the government of President Bashar al-Assad while Saudi Arabia has supported rebel forces, and grown increasingly impatient with what Arab officials described as lukewarm American support for rebel forces in Syria.His reassurance came as Iran said Wednesday that it welcomed the invitation for its foreign minister to visit Saudi Arabia as an opportunity to discuss regional issues. Beyond the nuclear program, Iran and Saudi Arabia have been at odds over Syria, with Iran backing the government of President Bashar al-Assad while Saudi Arabia has supported rebel forces, and grown increasingly impatient with what Arab officials described as lukewarm American support for rebel forces in Syria.
Speaking after Wednesday’s meeting, Mr. Hagel said that the United States and the Gulf states “pledged to deepen our cooperation in providing aid to the Syrian opposition” and agreed that assistance should be “complementary.” But, he added, “it must be carefully directed to the moderate opposition,” reflecting American concerns about sending help that could end up in the hands of Al Qaeda or other extremist organizations.Speaking after Wednesday’s meeting, Mr. Hagel said that the United States and the Gulf states “pledged to deepen our cooperation in providing aid to the Syrian opposition” and agreed that assistance should be “complementary.” But, he added, “it must be carefully directed to the moderate opposition,” reflecting American concerns about sending help that could end up in the hands of Al Qaeda or other extremist organizations.
On Tuesday, France’s top diplomat said there was evidence the Syrian government used chemical weapons more than a dozen times after it signed the treaty banning them, and the United Nations mediator quit, citing frustrations over the moribund political.On Tuesday, France’s top diplomat said there was evidence the Syrian government used chemical weapons more than a dozen times after it signed the treaty banning them, and the United Nations mediator quit, citing frustrations over the moribund political.
“We’ve not seen any evidence” of additional chemical attacks, Mr. Hagel said. He said, “Obviously if there has been a continued use, any use, of chemical weapons, that would affect efforts that so far have been pretty successful.”“We’ve not seen any evidence” of additional chemical attacks, Mr. Hagel said. He said, “Obviously if there has been a continued use, any use, of chemical weapons, that would affect efforts that so far have been pretty successful.”