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Phone-hacking trial: Kate Middleton 'hacked 155 times' Phone-hacking trial: Kate Middleton 'hacked 155 times'
(35 minutes later)
Former News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman hacked Kate Middleton's phone 155 times, a court has heard.Former News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman hacked Kate Middleton's phone 155 times, a court has heard.
The phone-hacking trial was told Mr Goodman first hacked the now-Duchess of Cambridge's voicemail in December 2005.The phone-hacking trial was told Mr Goodman first hacked the now-Duchess of Cambridge's voicemail in December 2005.
He also hacked Prince William 35 times and Prince Harry on nine occasions.He also hacked Prince William 35 times and Prince Harry on nine occasions.
Mr Goodman, 56, denies conspiring to commit misconduct in public office. He is one of seven defendants on trial at the Old Bailey who all deny charges against them.Mr Goodman, 56, denies conspiring to commit misconduct in public office. He is one of seven defendants on trial at the Old Bailey who all deny charges against them.
He returned to the Old Bailey to resume giving evidence after a long period away due to illness.He returned to the Old Bailey to resume giving evidence after a long period away due to illness.
The court heard how Mr Goodman hacked Ms Middleton on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day in 2005 - more than five years before she married Prince William.The court heard how Mr Goodman hacked Ms Middleton on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day in 2005 - more than five years before she married Prince William.
He also hacked her on 7 August 2006, the day before he was arrested over allegations of phone hacking.He also hacked her on 7 August 2006, the day before he was arrested over allegations of phone hacking.
Prince William's voicemail was first intercepted in late January 2006, the court heard.
'Fit to continue'
The jury was also told that Mr Goodman hacked Michael Fawcett, a trusted aide of Prince Charles, 35 times.
Mr Goodman had not been in court since the end of March after he was declared unfit to carry on. The trial continued in his absence.
The judge told the jury he had been "ill", but the court was given a report from an independent medical expert declaring him "now fit" to continue.
Mr Justice Saunders also told the jury that he had "no alternative" but to keep them waiting because medical assessments were continually being submitted.
Mr Goodman will be allowed more time than usual to give the remainder of his evidence because medical experts have advised he may get tired more quickly.
The jury previously heard that the former royal editor of the now-defunct tabloid had undergone a minor heart procedure during the trial.