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Cameron and Miliband clash over Pfizer's AstraZeneca bid at PMQs Cameron and Miliband clash at PMQs over Pfizer's AstraZeneca bid
(35 minutes later)
David Cameron has accused Ed Miliband of placing the interests of the Labour party ahead of those of the nation after he declined to meet the head of Pfizer, which is launching a £63bn takeover of AstraZeneca.David Cameron has accused Ed Miliband of placing the interests of the Labour party ahead of those of the nation after he declined to meet the head of Pfizer, which is launching a £63bn takeover of AstraZeneca.
The prime minister rejected suggestions that he has acted as a PR adviser for Pfizer, saying that Labour was guilty of an "abject surrender" over the Kraft takeover of Cadbury when it was in government.The prime minister rejected suggestions that he has acted as a PR adviser for Pfizer, saying that Labour was guilty of an "abject surrender" over the Kraft takeover of Cadbury when it was in government.
Cameron turned on Miliband after the BBC reported that he had last month declined a meeting with Ian Read, the Scottish born chief executive of Pfizer, on the grounds that he was busy campaigning in the local and European parliamentary elections. Miliband later changed his mind. Cameron turned on Miliband after the BBC reported that he had last month declined a meeting with Ian Read, the Scottish-born chief executive of Pfizer, on the grounds that he was busy campaigning in the local and European parliamentary elections. Miliband later changed his mind.
The prime minister told MPs that he was committed to ensuring that British jobs and AstraZeneca's research and development base would be protected in any takeover.The prime minister told MPs that he was committed to ensuring that British jobs and AstraZeneca's research and development base would be protected in any takeover.
But he added: "The only difference between us is how do you get assurances [from Pfizer].  … I say get stuck in, negotiate hard, fight for Britain. He says stand up, play politics and put that before the national interest."But he added: "The only difference between us is how do you get assurances [from Pfizer].  … I say get stuck in, negotiate hard, fight for Britain. He says stand up, play politics and put that before the national interest."
The prime minister dismissed Miliband's call for a change to extend the grounds that could trigger a public interest test on a takeover and said: "The country is getting stronger and he is getting weaker." Cameron dismissed Miliband's call for a change to extend the grounds that could trigger a public interest test on a takeover and said: "The country is getting stronger and he is getting weaker."
Miliband said of Cameron: "He is falling back on the old idea that the market always knows best and doesn't need rules. From Royal Mail to AstraZeneca this is a prime minister whose ideology means he cannot stand up for the national interest."Miliband said of Cameron: "He is falling back on the old idea that the market always knows best and doesn't need rules. From Royal Mail to AstraZeneca this is a prime minister whose ideology means he cannot stand up for the national interest."