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Turkey coal mine disaster: Desperate search at Soma pit Turkey coal mine disaster: Desperate search at Soma pit
(35 minutes later)
Rescuers are hunting desperately for scores of Turkish coal miners still missing after an explosion caused a pit to collapse, killing at least 238.Rescuers are hunting desperately for scores of Turkish coal miners still missing after an explosion caused a pit to collapse, killing at least 238.
Dozens escaped the pit in the western town of Soma, but officials say about 120 are still unaccounted for.Dozens escaped the pit in the western town of Soma, but officials say about 120 are still unaccounted for.
On a visit to Soma, PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered his condolences, and said a thorough investigation into the tragedy had begun. On a visit to Soma, PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan said every aspect of the tragedy would be investigated and "no stone would be left unturned".
Frantic relatives have gathered at the mine, waiting for news of loved ones.Frantic relatives have gathered at the mine, waiting for news of loved ones.
As ambulances took away an increasing number of bodies, some of the bereaved wailed uncontrollably and were carried away by their families.As ambulances took away an increasing number of bodies, some of the bereaved wailed uncontrollably and were carried away by their families.
More than 350 miners were rescued, but no survivors have been found in the last few hours.More than 350 miners were rescued, but no survivors have been found in the last few hours.
Mr Erdogan said 80 of them had been treated for injuries, none of which were serious. Nineteen of these had already been discharged from hospital. Mr Erdogan said 80 of those rescued had been treated for injuries, none of which were serious. Nineteen of these had already been discharged from hospital.
"I just want everybody to know that the disaster will be investigated in every aspect and will continue to be investigated and we are not going to allow any negligence, or leave any stone unturned," he told journalists in Soma.
Earlier he announced three days of mourning for the victims.Earlier he announced three days of mourning for the victims.
The BBC's James Reynolds in Soma says family members of missing miners are gathered at the hospital. They told him they would not move from there until they got information about their loved ones.The BBC's James Reynolds in Soma says family members of missing miners are gathered at the hospital. They told him they would not move from there until they got information about their loved ones.
Meanwhile, protesters angry at the disaster took to the streets of Istanbul and Ankara on Wednesday. Meanwhile police fired tear gas and water cannon at about 800 protesters angered by the disaster as they tried to march from a university in Ankara to the energy ministry.
Police fired tear gas and water cannon at about 800 protesters as they tried to march from a university in Ankara to the energy ministry. There were also reports of clashes in Istanbul. There were also reports of a protest in Istanbul outside the headquarters of Soma Holding, the company that owns the mine.
Far below groundFar below ground
Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said 787 people had been inside the mine when an electrical fault triggered the blast.Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said 787 people had been inside the mine when an electrical fault triggered the blast.
About 120 are still thought to be in the mine, but he said hopes were fading of finding any more survivors. He added that carbon monoxide poisoning had claimed many lives.
He added that carbon monoxide poisoning had claimed many lives. Oxygen was being pumped into the mine to help those still trapped.
The electrical fault triggered a power cut, making the mine cages unusable. Those trapped are reported to be 2km (1.2 miles) below the surface and 4km from the mine entrance.The electrical fault triggered a power cut, making the mine cages unusable. Those trapped are reported to be 2km (1.2 miles) below the surface and 4km from the mine entrance.
The blast happened at about 12:30 GMT on Tuesday.The blast happened at about 12:30 GMT on Tuesday.
TV footage overnight showed rescuers helping workers from the mine, their faces and hard-hats covered in soot and dust. Some were carried on stretchers to waiting ambulances.TV footage overnight showed rescuers helping workers from the mine, their faces and hard-hats covered in soot and dust. Some were carried on stretchers to waiting ambulances.
But by mid-morning, reporters at the scene said only the dead were being recovered.But by mid-morning, reporters at the scene said only the dead were being recovered.
Police were keeping the crowds back to allow emergency services in and out of the area. Emine Gulsen, one of a group of women sitting near the entrance to the mine, cried: "My son is gone, my Mehmet." Mehmet, 31, had been working there for five years.
Sena Isbiler, a mother of one of the miners, stood on top of piles of wood, anxiously craning her neck to see those being led out of the mine. Coal mining is a major industry in the Soma area, helping to supply a nearby lignite-fired thermal power plant, but safety has long been a concern. Nearly 40% of Turkey's electricity production depends on coal.
"I have been waiting for my son since early afternoon," she told AFP news agency. "I haven't heard anything about him yet." The Soma mine was privatised in 2005.
The mine's owners, Soma Komur Isletmeleri, said they would investigate the accident, adding that the accident occurred despite the "highest safety measures and constant controls".
"Our main priority is to get our workers out so that they may be reunited with their loved ones," the owners said in a statement.
Coal mining is a major industry in the Soma area, helping to supply a nearby lignite-fired thermal power plant, but safety has long been a concern.
An MP with Turkey's opposition CHP party has accused the government of rejecting a recent proposal for a parliamentary inquiry into mine accidents in Soma.An MP with Turkey's opposition CHP party has accused the government of rejecting a recent proposal for a parliamentary inquiry into mine accidents in Soma.
Ozgur Ozel told Today's Zaman newspaper that the motion had substantial support among opposition parties.Ozgur Ozel told Today's Zaman newspaper that the motion had substantial support among opposition parties.
Our correspondent says Prime Minister Erdogan will see this tragedy as a test of his reputation, and he will be aware that the previous government lost an election after being seen to have mishandled the 1999 earthquake.Our correspondent says Prime Minister Erdogan will see this tragedy as a test of his reputation, and he will be aware that the previous government lost an election after being seen to have mishandled the 1999 earthquake.
Turkey's worst mining disaster was in 1992, when 263 miners were killed near Zonguldak, on the Black Sea.Turkey's worst mining disaster was in 1992, when 263 miners were killed near Zonguldak, on the Black Sea.
Are you in Manisa? How have you been affected by the explosion? You can email your experiences to, using the subject line 'Turkey'.Are you in Manisa? How have you been affected by the explosion? You can email your experiences to, using the subject line 'Turkey'.
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